Mugshots of a cutie baby hippo thug

She such a cutie, butter wouldn’t melt .... Hope they are all settled down now x
They're doing ok, Clover took back control of the food bowls tonight and told Theo off for trying to take her red chard. Both Tallulah and Clover are seeking out human cuddles more than before. But I think Tallulah just hates hair maybe, she was cuddling fine and she likes to cuddle against piggy daddy's neck... then she sat on my chest and went inside my fleece... all happy... then she tried cuddle on my neck but I had my hair down and as soon as she touched my hair she flipped out again! She likes skin and fleece but hates fur. Luckily my jugular vein hasnt been quite bitten through but... she really hates hair! Naked vampire bat hippo with a fur and hair phobia...
Hmm. So did she forget her PJ's or find a way to forcibly remove them to minimise the hair in her vicinity?!

Glad they all seem to be calming down again. Maybe Tallulah needs a skinny friend...
She's so funny, I heard a weird noise coming from the piggy room yesterday and it took me a while to work out what it was- when Tallulah shakes her head, you can hear her enormous bat ears slapping off the side of her face :)
Hahaha bless her, crazy bat eared baby!
Are her enemies all healed now? :) x
Yes thanks, Clover's disabled leg is less swollen and her cauliflower ear is still a bit purple but much less swollen, she didn't need the loxicom today. Just take a while for the ripped out fur to grow back and her injured pride to recover! Puggle has forgiven Tallulah already and wants to be friends, they were licking each other's noses through the cage bars :)
Aah bless them, how funny Talullah's so keen with bars between! Maybe a big gang's just not her thing!
Glad Clover's looking better poor lady, what a crazy day it must have been after Blodwen's smooth entry into the herd! This mini beast foaming at the mouth running after you! :)
I'm going to wait a month with them living side by side then I might try introduce her to the others one at a time, in my bathtub, where we can keep control of things better... but if her and Clover go at it again then we're going to have to get a second C&C and a new friend for Tallulah...
With my ratty intros they've been done in my bath, so much easier to try and control when these little nutters decide to change their minds on the company!
Bless her, hopefully when she's got a bit more weight on her bones she'll feel a bit braver. The hair's a different matter altogether though :)
With my ratty intros they've been done in my bath, so much easier to try and control when these little nutters decide to change their minds on the company!
Bless her, hopefully when she's got a bit more weight on her bones she'll feel a bit braver. The hair's a different matter altogether though :)
I have a funny image in my head of Tallulah and Clover both wearing old fashioned suits of armour and jousting with carrots up and down the bath lol :)