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Mucus in urine


Junior Guinea Pig
May 16, 2018
Reaction score
Walsall, UK
I’ve had my 2 month old skinny pig sow out for lap time and I’ve just noticed that after she urinated there was some mucus attached to her genitals. Her urine looks completely normal and there is no mucus in her urine it’s just attached to her afterwards. I wiped it off, the first bit was yellowish and the second time she peed the mucus was less yellow and more clear. Any ideas what this is?6116E5AE-43AF-4F04-B498-A6D834D67E62.webp
Hi! Please have her vet checked. The mucus may have come from the reproductive tract rather than the urinary tract but is not normal.
Please have her seen by the vet. It sounds like a discharge from her genital tract and could be the start of a womb infection. Please show the vet the photos.