Moving with Guinea pigs! Need help!


New Born Pup
Apr 12, 2024
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I’ve been saving up to get two sow piggies but I recently discovered I’ll be moving to a new home in a couple of months. Should I wait to get my piggies or will they be okay during a moving process?
I moved a couple of months ago and it was very disruptive for my established boar pair. Personally I would wait especially as you will have a newly bonded pair, possibly young too.
Piggies themselves do travel well but if moving home is going to make a difference to how big of a cage and the type of set up you can you get as well as other practical decisions etc then waiting may well be best.

Don’t forget the biggest expense of piggies is the vet bills so ensuring you have a lot saved up in a vet fund in advance can set you in good stead for ownership.

Are Guinea Pigs For Me? - Wannabe Owners' Helpful Information
I’ve been saving up to get two sow piggies but I recently discovered I’ll be moving to a new home in a couple of months. Should I wait to get my piggies or will they be okay during a moving process?
I would wait. It makes moving much easier without the pigs. Just packing their stuff, cage etc it really adds up. You find you own a lot of piggie stuff and packing cages can be frustrating. I've moved twice with the pigs so far, about to move third time. Each time I've moved I've had to change the size of my guinea pigs cage, and the table underneath to a new size to fit the place I'm moving to.
I’ve been saving up to get two sow piggies but I recently discovered I’ll be moving to a new home in a couple of months. Should I wait to get my piggies or will they be okay during a moving process?

Hi and welcome

Please wait until you are in your new home. The wait is really worth it, especially with new piggies.

Guinea pigs are territorial; they are finding a move rather upsetting; even more so when they have only just settled into the scary complex new world of a pet home and started to get their bearings.
They will also have to re-establish their own group again in their new home which could potentially derail it if they are not well matched or the stress of the move has really got to them.
Given that your move is so close I would wait.
That way you will be settled and their cage will be set up ready.
Guinea pigs do move. We moved with 4 piggies 5 years ago, a 200mile journey and they were fine, but they were a well established herd.
Moving into a new environment can be unsettling for piggies.

Hope your move goes well.
We’re moving again at the beginning of July and have just made a start on all the clearing and sorting!