Moving outside

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score
Hi All

When would be the best time to move the piggies back outside? I'm hoping the grass will grow as it got slightly runined by the frost before I take them out. I was thinking round March time or does anyone move them out earlier?

thanks :)
i think end of march at the earliest but april/ may time would be better :))
I would march would be too early really - it is freezing still usually :') i also think may would be a bettertime, unless its just particulary warmer this year :)
May back inside September. The grass wont be growing much till April anyway.
I usually start thinking end of April (if we have had a nice April)/May time when the ground starts to warm up before I think about letting my piggies out even sometimes early May can still be cold.
It depends where they have been over winter. Mine never come fully inside, so will be going back out early April most likely. They should all be back out by easter.

This is unless it snows in April again!
I was wondering about going out in the run for grass etc, how mild does it need to be for them to go out for an hour to have a munch and some fresh air?
I was wondering about going out in the run for grass etc, how mild does it need to be for them to go out for an hour to have a munch and some fresh air?

My lawn is covered in fox poo :)>>> so no chance of that here for a while!

But similar tbh, I tend to feel the grass anyway as if you get a particularly dewy night even in mid summer it can be a bit too damp for them until the afternoon.

If you get a mild day, like last week down here it was really quite nice, and the ground underneath isn't too damp, that should be ok.

The joys of our unpredictable British weather...!
My lawn is covered in fox poo :)>>> so no chance of that here for a while!

But similar tbh, I tend to feel the grass anyway as if you get a particularly dewy night even in mid summer it can be a bit too damp for them until the afternoon.

If you get a mild day, like last week down here it was really quite nice, and the ground underneath isn't too damp, that should be ok.

The joys of our unpredictable British weather...!

Thanks, we had a couple of mild days here too which is what got me thinking, I'm at home with the kids and only let them on the grass if it's dry, not muddy, and mild outside- so could just apply the same to the piggies and let them have a run while we're out there if it's nice- that been said it's freezing again this week after I got the OH to tidy up the garden at the weekend!
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