Moving On

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 18, 2014
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So it's been 24 hours ish since we lost Daisy and although I'm still devastated my focus now has to be on Maisie. I've only had her 2 weeks and during that time my focus was obviously on her "sister" who was so poorly.
So my question is this, how long do I leave her on her own without a friend? As I adopted them both from PAH who took them in I don't really know her history. I know I need to get to know her better which of course is my main mission but I know she needs a friend too.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
hello, i would leave it at the most 3 weeks but i would say 2 weeks is how long i would wait and remember to bring maisie along to the rescue so that she could pick out the piggie she wants to be with. I would also spend as much time with maisie as possible for 2 weeks to figure out her personality and bring her outside give her cuddles and lap time to make her feel better. Then go to the rescue ASAP and pick out a new piggie :nod: I'm very sorry for your loss :soz: feel better x
Depends how she is doing.I had to get a new friend after 3 days as pebles was so miserable and didnt want to risk losing her but if she is oksy you can leave it longrr
I am very sorry for your loss!

How soon depends on how well she is taking it. Some piggies stop eating and start pining away; they need a friend asap. Generally, I start contacting rescues within a few days and organise dating at the rescue that has the likeliest candidate for the next few weekends, as soon as possible within 7-21 days. Guinea pigs don't grieve any less deeply, but not for as long as humans.
You may find this sticky thread from our Rainbow Bridge Pets Section section helpful:

Unfortunately, you don't have any good rescues closer than Milhaven in Keighley, BARC in Barnsley, or Cavy Corner in Doncaster, but I can recommend them all highly; they are all very good and experienced. You can date both neutered boars and sows of any age - mutual liking is more important and the key to a happy relationship. By making the trip for dating at a good rescue, you avoid all the usual risks (illness, potential pregnancy, bonding failure). The bonding happens under supervision, so you only come home with a new friend if there has been success.
Sorry for your loss and good luck with your search for a new friend :-) there is also bunny burrows in richmond which is about 2 hours drive and there is an RSPCA branch in scarborough I think :-)

My area is simlar to yours OP there are few rescues close, the closest to me is Bunny Burrows but before I found out about those I was looking at millhaven etc and they're all 2 hours drive each way or more. Sadly I cannot drive for that long (thanks arthritis at at 22) even if I wanted to, public transport makes journeys sooo much harder but they are worth it if you can do it :D
I know the RSPCA at Great Ayton had some piggies in before Xmas they're about 45 miles (1hr 15 mins) from you. There's also Bramley Animal Rescue near Leeds 70 miles (1hr 45 mins) which is now closed to new animals but they still have some to be rehomed. Then there's Millhaven at Keighley 75 miles (1hr 50mins) that Bekki above mentioned.

Contact details for the above are:-

I've looked on the rescue locator & there's nothing in the Scarborough area.
Thank you for all the advice - to be fair we have looked at the Milhaven site already and were very impressed. We going to see how we get on in the next week and make a decision from there. At the mo we are just comforting each other (well as much as she will let us at this stage :roll:)
I'm so sorry for you loss! It might be worth giving her a teddy to snuggle until you can organise a friend.
Hugs to you and Maisie, hope you find the perfect friend when the time is right. Remember, the new pig will not replace Daisy but will find their own little spot in your heart.
Awww thanks guys! I have to admit I was so shocked how quickly these piggies got under my skin and how my maternal side took over from the off lol! I guess that's why i knew things weren't right with Daisy :(
Maisie, you will be pleased to know is doing brilliantly, although obviously still shy, she let us have cuddles last night and already I have found out she likes to sit on my lap rather than snuggle under my chin like Daisy. She's an extremely nosy guinea pig too and loved the fact her cage had a bit of a turn around before she got back in. It was lovely watching her explore her "new" home!
I really can't thank you all enough for your help and support:clap:
I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our little one a couple of days ago and were bawling like babies as we'd had them both for about 18mths. Anyway, our remaining guinea looked really sad and low so we balled up a bunch of socks and put them beside him to cuddle. We have been lucky enough to find a friend for Moose but we are by no means ready for it. Also heaps of guilty feelings too. Give us a shout if you need to talk x
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