Moving House

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 15, 2014
Reaction score
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hi I have been looking for a house to buy for a while and may have finally found a place. I have guinea pigs who live in an inside cage which is not an issue but they have access to a run outside on the grass in nice weather but the house I am thinking of buying has a brick garden no grass. How do people manage with guinea pigs without outside access or grass is this going to be possible?
Hi! I don't have a garden and with a varied diet of veg the piggies will be fine. Sometimes I bring home grass and dandelions from my mum's for them but make sure you aren't just picking up grass from anywhere! They will be pleased with any treats you can pick up for them from a trusted garden.

If they can be in a room that gets plenty of natural light but not too warm and fresh air then they don't need as much outside time :)

That's just what I've found with mine anyway!
Mine don't have access to grass. When I originally got them I thought they'd be fine to have a run on the communal grass outside our flat but I hadn't considered all the dog pee out there! I'd also considered friends' gardens but again they either have dogs or are in areas riddled with foxes and neighbouring cats so no guarantee of safe grass. I've since read though that they can manage perfectly fine without it. Although - if I get the chance and create enough space I might try growing some for them :)
Mine have never been on grass and they are fine. I live in a flat and make sure they have plenty of natural light and fresh air coming in the windows. I did grow grass once but we don't have enough space to rotate the trays we would need for 14 pigs.
Thanks guys for your advice love the house so hopefully it's possible to grow some grass for them, they get floor time and will when we move but they do love being on the grass in the nice weather!
Mine dont go outside as i have lots of ants in my garden and also two dogs so obviously dog wee. It does bother me though as i went to a piggy meet once and an exotics vet there was talking about how important it is for them to have some time in the sun regularly.

Maybe you could go for day trips to a local park with a run? lol
You can get a solid run and put fleece down.You could then have trays of grass for them to go in.You can buy huge litter trays dirt cheap in b&m .They still get the benefit of sunshine.I have dogs and loads of cats live around puts so them being outside isn't an option
It's good to know that not having a grassed area is OK. I'm currently looking at houses and have put some places down the bottom of the list as no grass.
A lot of houses I've seen the owners have bricked over the whole garden not even a flower bed.
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