moving home in 8 days


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 10, 2018
Reaction score
Glasgow, UK
Hey guys, so around two weeks ago my landlady asked me to move out and cause I was going to visit home for Christmas anyway I thought moving on the 19th would be the best way to do it.

I'm looking for tips to make the journey less stressful for the piggies (who will be riding up front with me rather than in their cage) and also how to make a comfortable exercise space for the piggies in my room at home, which is double the size of the room I'm currently in, my current plan is to get set up and put in a few homemade fleeces as a carpet and to put another hay feeder and food bowl into it but is there anything else I can do with it? It will be permanently set up as the space in my room will allow for this to be a reality.

I'm more worried about them as I have become a bit of a nomad in the past year and a bit with my movie for uni, lol.
Do you have a car carrier? At a push you could fit two pigs in, as long as it’s stocked with hay and some veggies (cucumber would be good as it will keep them hydrated) they should be quite happy
How long is the journey? In a secure carrier with lots of hay they will be fine.
Regarding their space in your room, it all depends on what type of cage you have. If you have a commercial cage, you could extend it with some c&c grids given you can permamently keep it set up. Lots of hideys and tunnels and they will be happy!
How long is the journey? In a secure carrier with lots of hay they will be fine.
Regarding their space in your room, it all depends on what type of cage you have. If you have a commercial cage, you could extend it with some c&c grids given you can permamently keep it set up. Lots of hideys and tunnels and they will be happy!
It’s around an hour, so not too long to be sure but I’m still worried about my boys. They’ll settle in fine I’m sure once they’re in Glasgow. My niece is excited and wants to see them.
They should be fine for that length of journey. Mine have travelled for 6.5 hours in a cage with plenty of hay, veggies and water. Make sure you secure them in a cage or cat carrier and strap it down in case you have to break sharpish, loose piggies about the car is dangerous. They are more adaptable than we think and will soon settle into their new environment, just give them a day or two’s calm to settle down x