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Mouth infection


New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2023
Reaction score
one of our guinea pigs (5 years old) has a pretty bad infection in her mouth with no clear cause. She has had surgery because it seemed to be a teeth issue at first but her teeth are completely fine, just a bad infection in her mouth and throat with no clear cause. She won't eat and is very poorly. The vets did a bunch of tests and still don't know. We are now treating her with multiple strong pain meds, antibiotics and even an antifungal treatment (even though the test came out clear), basically throwing everything they got at the issue in the hopes that any of it will miraculously work. We are very worried and afraid we might lose her. Have any of you ever encountered such a case, perhaps even found out what it was? Is there any hope at all?
I’m so sorry. I haven’t got any experience of this. Sorry. It sounds like your vet is trying everything they can. I hope one of the treatments works 🤞🏻.

What strength pain medication are they on? A lot of vets don’t prescribe enough.

Are you syringe feeding them?

Good luck. ❤️
one of our guinea pigs (5 years old) has a pretty bad infection in her mouth with no clear cause. She has had surgery because it seemed to be a teeth issue at first but her teeth are completely fine, just a bad infection in her mouth and throat with no clear cause. She won't eat and is very poorly. The vets did a bunch of tests and still don't know. We are now treating her with multiple strong pain meds, antibiotics and even an antifungal treatment (even though the test came out clear), basically throwing everything they got at the issue in the hopes that any of it will miraculously work. We are very worried and afraid we might lose her. Have any of you ever encountered such a case, perhaps even found out what it was? Is there any hope at all?


Have your vets checked for oral thrush? This is a fungal mouth infection that is best treated with a systemic oral medication like itrafungol (active ingredient: Itraconazole). The pain can make swallowing very difficult. Oral thrush is not uncommon in guinea pigs but is often overlooked as a cause for mouth sores during a dental examination. Irregular chewing and loss of appetite can then cause dental overgrowth as a secondary problem to untreated painful oral thrush.

You will have to go back to your vet since the medication is prescription-only.

I hope that this does the trick.