Mounting and rumbling

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone, my girls have recently started mounting eachother and rumbling quite a lot, first it was bee doing it bumble, now it's the other way round. is this normal? why are they doing this? is it a dominance thing or are they on heat? thanks
Love Emma x
How old are they? Mine does it some times and it can be because they are on heat, however, it could be because of ovary cysts. It they are young don't worry about it.
Personally i think they are still a bit young, is this a new thing or have they don't it on and off for a while. Are they acting aggressive when they do it?
They've always had a bit of a rumble at eachother but never mounted before. I wouldn't say they were being agresssive as such, one just follows the othe round rumbling then mounts them then leaves them alone, and they rumble quite a bit, i've only noticed them mounting today x
If i was you I'd keep my eye on it and if it keeps going on then I'd take them to the vets.
Hi Emma, I have just bought two piggies last Monday and they are doing the same thing! not quite sure what it means but i will find out. Lorna
Hi Emma,

Fleur rumbles at Flora not seen any mounting as Flora is still timid and hides up a lot bless her. I'm sure its just a dominace thing. I wonder could it be because Ralfie is nearby?

Hi its perfectly normal it may be a dominance thing yes and are you 100% they are both sows ? ;D
Could be a mixture of both :)

I always, always tell people to double check the sexes to be on the certain side ;D

Its totally normal O0
PerfectPiggies said:
Could be a mixture of both :)

I always, always tell people to double check the sexes to be on the certain side ;D

Its totally normal O0
I think i got that from you then ;D Check and make sure ;D
Hi yes they're both defo girls, their bits look nothing like ralfie's or any other boars i've seen. plus once they've mouted they just get off then, its literally they leave eachother alone once they've mounted, they dont stay there for more than a second. x
;D ;D Oh right ;D ;D I hope it goes well for them both and they act normal just keep an eye out for them for a few days and keep checking in on them ;)
ok thanks, most of the time they're fine! they just have 10 minute phases of chasing eachother round doing this! x
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