Mounting and bald spot?


New Born Pup
Aug 23, 2024
Reaction score
Plymouth, Devon, UK
Hi all, slightly embarrassing question!
I currently have 3 guinea pigs in two cages living side by side.
On one side I have my sow and neutered boar pair and on the other side I have a single sow who sadly lost her friend a few weeks ago. We are on the wait list at a local rescue to try and get her bonded.

Since she has been single, she has been VERY interested in the boy next door. I have noticed that he has been mounting his poor cage mate more since he’s been flirting with the neighbour and now the cage mate has a little bald spot on the bottom of her back.

We have a vet trip tomorrow so will ask them to check for mites- but just wondered if anyone has ever had a pig with hair loss due to a lothario cage mate.
They get on very well and I am confident it’s not a bond in trouble kind of situation. They aren’t fighting and they live in a 12.5ft cage- never seen any aggression between them at all.

He is coming up to a year old and despite being neutered, I think his hormones are getting the better of him!
It’s good they have a vet appointment booked. It could be where boar glue (dried semen) has pulled some of her hair out.

That’s a good idea about bonding them all.
I agree about bonding the three of them! The cage is big for them all to live in

I would imagine he is just wearing her hair off humping her if it is happening a lot but a vet check is a good idea
Thanks folks! Yes, my plan is to bond them, but I am hoping to add a fourth. I would put both their cages together so it’s around 24ft for 4.
We are off on holiday next week but when we get back, we’ll be bonding the three and looking for a 4th from a rescue- if there is a suitable one!
Vet booked today, just to double check ☺️
If you get another girl you can make a little tribe. This is my four (Alfie - top of the group, with Luna (ginger) Sadie (black) and Stella (Tri colour)together with the rabbits enjoying some lawn time, all gone but not forgotten.
View attachment 256693
Oh my what a gorgeous herd 😍.
Yes 4 bonded together would be amazing- just up to them if they want to make it work!
We’ve been the vet and she confirmed what I thought- not mites thank fully, just my boy being a bit excitable!
He'll soon settle down, not long after that photo we sadly lost Alfie and was replaced as man of the family by Stanley, he was a big lad and was very excited to be with 3 ladies. They soon trained him to behave himself with a few well placed nips. 😁