

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks to a rather damp winter my lawn has rather a lot of moss. Thinking ahead to summer will moss cause problems to the pigs? Obviously I won't put them on a totally mossy area
I think I recall that moss is poisonous but it also doesn’t taste nice and piggies tend to avoid it anyway.
I have an area of my garden which gets mossy so although I don’t put the piggies there, it is unsightly and we try to rake it out and throw a handful of grass seed down.
yes, get it raked out. Then spread some sharp sand over the area, this should help drainage. When spring arrives get some grass seed down
When my piggies went out on the grass where we used to live (they don't go outside where we live now there are too many foxes), it got very mossy. We put down moss and weed killer and watered it in well. Then we raked out the dead moss and weeds. We mowed it 3-4 times, put down grass seed then when the new grass came up, we mowed it a couple more times before putting the piggies out on it.
Thanks to a rather damp winter my lawn has rather a lot of moss. Thinking ahead to summer will moss cause problems to the pigs? Obviously I won't put them on a totally mossy area


Moss is poisonous but since it also tastes bad to guinea pigs, they will usually not eat it. I tend to hand pick the worst areas in Spring or avoid putting a run on the worst patches but I never had any issues with the piggies themselves.
Agree with Wiebke. Where I used to live, we had lots of moss in among the grass, but the piggies weren't interested, never ate moss.