Morning Piggy Owners

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Ellie Yusuf

New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2015
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I'm new to the forum, my parents are visiting from Norway and they went and brought my son two guinea pigs for his birthday present.

(I know this probably doesn't sound ideal to most but I love guinea pigs so they will be very well looked after so don't worry)

They did however buy them from pets at home and they've come with a reasonable cage for babies but my husband and I are already making plans to make/buy a bigger home for them as they get older.

We've got an indoor play pen from when the kids were small that I'm going to make a bit more secure (so they don't squeeze out the gaps) so they can have daily floor time when they are feeling a little more safe.

We've got a super secured patio garden that they'll be allowed to go out to whilst in their run and there's also a small patch of grass next to our house that is actually quite well covered that we'll take them too in their run.

They came with all the bedding, food, toys, tunnels, hay, bowls, water bottles and vitamins etc I've been shown how to health check them and I've read all the beginners threads on here.

I think that's everything?



Oh yeah, they are called scabbers (predominantly ginger) and buckbeak and they are both boars
Aww they're lovely :D

Welcome to the forums :D Lots of information on here if you need any :) and people to advise.
Hello and welcome! :) what lovely piggies, sound like they've really fallen on their feet!

Just one thing - is it likely that the patch of grass next to your house is accessible to dogs? Only ask as dog and fox wee is poisonous to piggies. Apologies if you've thought of that but couldn't forgive myself if if not said anything and anything happened!
Hello and welcome! :) what lovely piggies, sound like they've really fallen on their feet!

Just one thing - is it likely that the patch of grass next to your house is accessible to dogs? Only ask as dog and fox wee is poisonous to piggies. Apologies if you've thought of that but couldn't forgive myself if if not said anything and anything happened!

Oh I didn't know that thank you! But no there aren't any dogs around here and it's this tiny wee patch about 8ft squared hidden in a private car park so no one but Us and next door know about it but it does have some thistles/weeds on it - are they going to be ok or should I try get rid of them first I wonder?
Oh I didn't know that thank you! But no there aren't any dogs around here and it's this tiny wee patch about 8ft squared hidden in a private car park so no one but Us and next door know about it but it does have some thistles/weeds on it - are they going to be ok or should I try get rid of them first I wonder?

No problem :) sounds ideal - wish I had somewhere like that - I'm having to grow stuff in trays indoors lol

I'm afraid I don't know about thistles. As for other weeds - I know that buttercups are poisonous but not sure about others. Quite new to this myself! Maybe take a picture of what's in the patch and post either here or the food section? Lots of lovely helpful knowledgable people about :)
Welcome to the forum! They're stunning :) I also love their Harry Potter names! :D
Hi what handsome piggies you, I mean your son have there ;-) I love the Harry potter names too! I look forward to hearing all about them!
Hello! Welcome to the forum!

Your boys are absolutely gorgeous, I love that rich ginger colour on both of them! One of my girls (Coconut), looks similar to yours. Coconut is the piggy in my profile pic, on the bottom. With the polka dots.

I hope you find lots of helpful advice on here, as I did when I was new!
Thank you all for the warm welcome! So the boys have been with us for four days now and they are such a pleasure to watch.

Last night they were running around and popcorning for ages!

They aren't too scared of us anymore, they are quite happy to be out in the cage even with Luna (our cat) closely watching. They are also happy to be out when I'm spot cleaning the cage.

We handled them yesterday I made a fleece hidey for them and both came out and sat with my middle son for a few moments and had some corriander from his hand then scabbers sat on my lap for about a half hour.

we had two guinea pigs previously from a backstreet breeder (who I was lead to believe was actually a rescue!) one of them was really poorly and died just a few weeks after we got them and we rehomed the remaining one with someone who had more pigs. Anyway cut a long story short that kinda put us off having more so it's such a pleasure to have two. Especially as these two have obviously been handled before and our last two were just terrified the whole time they were here.

I've just given the boys fresh veg and hay and they are both popcorning around hee hee
Hi and welcome, and congratulations, they're beautiful. It sounds like they're going to be spoiled :)
Sorry to read of your previous experience. It's frustrating that these uncaring breeders are around (I'm not saying that all breeders are bad at all).
They are addictive aren't they? :)
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