More than one female in group?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2009
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Can somebody help?
We have a neutered boar and a female who have been getting to know each other now for 3 weeks. They are due to move in together for good in a weeks time once he is safe from neutering.
We have 3 children and the other child would like their own guinea pig. I am on the understanding that we can only add a female to the existing duo?
Does anybody know how well this works with 2 girls and 1 boy? Also what age am I best to get a female at? Thinking a baby so they look after it.
If it is ok to get one more female, is there a best order for putting them together in?
Yep it can work I have a neutered male Nutty who lives with our three sows Fleur, Amber and Kitty! :)

I find and this is just my opinion from having tried it that having 2 girls with a neutered boy can sometimes not work. The girls will pair up together and leave the boy out. This happened when I tried to introduce Nutty to Maggie and Bupu.

The key is personality so maybe if you can take your two to a rescue to pick a little friend it would work out well.

Good luck!
If it goes on personality then I would say Patch is very friendly and he used to live in a group of 4 I was told. But Clara is about 8 months and came from a Garden Centre in a hutch full of girls that had hardly been handled. We have had her 3 weeks now .. I will add it is very hard in our area to find females at the moment, she is getting friendlier but is not frightened to tell Patch off if he is bothering her. So not sure if she would like a baby girl following her about? Although one minute she is telling Patch off the next minute she is chasing him for a cuddle? Typical woman I suppose?
LOL she does sound it doesn't she? Then maybe wait and see, let her settle in a bit further and once she is see if she can accept a female rather on personality than age. :)
It might not be easy to add one female to a bonded pair. I failed with a single girl (she attacked all guinea pigs, due to having lived with a rabbit for a long time, so it's difficult to say whether it might have worked out), but was then successful with introducing two sisters to my couple.
Difficult isn't it. I think I might wait a couple of months then and then try. Wondered whether it was better to do it now and put a girl in her cage to get to know her and then put them altogether when Patch is safe. So in other words Clara will make two friends independently and then bring them altogether for Patch and the new younger girl to meet? This is worse than having kids I think!
Difficult isn't it. I think I might wait a couple of months then and then try. Wondered whether it was better to do it now and put a girl in her cage to get to know her and then put them altogether when Patch is safe. So in other words Clara will make two friends independently and then bring them altogether for Patch and the new younger girl to meet? This is worse than having kids I think!
It might be worth trying to introduce them all at the same time, so there are no bonds to break.

But yes, things are not never as easy or as straightforward as you'd think...

I wish you the best of luck!
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