More dominance questions!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Leeds/Bradford area
So we brought home a little friend for Machu last night... A rescued baby boar, about 6 wks I believe. Machu loves him. And I mean loooooooooooves him. He will not leave the poor dear alone. He rumbles around constantly, and follows him nose-to-bum all the time. Baby runs, Machu chases, break to munch some hay, chase, run, chase, on and on and on...

It appears that Machu slept outside on the fleece last night, and let the baby have the pigloo to himself (gentlemanly, after all the humping the poor dear had been subjected to!), and they shared breakfast quite happily, but now he's at it again. Machu's normally a pretty chilled-out pig, and I thought he might have settled down a LITTLE by breakfast! The introduction of this cute little boar has sent him off the deep end. I've never seen him rumblestrut before, and now he's swinging his hips so hard it's a wonder he doesn't tip over.

At long last, the baby is starting to have finally had enough, squeaking constantly, and he'll occasionally have a little lunge at Machu (not aggressive or bitey, more like a shoving-him-off kind of thing).

I know this is normal, but I'm just wondering how much of this is going to be too much for the little one? I don't want him to be too harassed! How long can I expect this to carry on, so I can prepare myself and stop worrying?
And before anyone says it, YES, there will be a teddy in the cage the very second I can find one I consider pig-safe, although he's so enamored with his new buddy I'll be surprised if he notices it!
I recently got a 9 month old boy Billy for my almost 2 year old Rodney & I have worried the same.

Billy humps Rodney alot & swings his little ginger butt about, luckily so far Rodney is so placid he squeeled & shrugs him off. I have wondered how much can Rodney take but 3 weeks later he does still do it, but I'd say it has settled slightly. I was told it can take weeks for rank to be established & it's still very early days for your little guys.

Long as your newbie submissively squeaks & doesn't get angry I'd say it's ok, it's apparently worse for us watching than it is for them...

It is awful I kno Billy was particularly hormonal Sunday morning I watched him annoy Rodney for hours, hoping he will calm even more...
3 weeks? Gah, poor baby. I think he's probably too young to get properly angry or challenge Machu much so it should be ok, I just feel so bad for the little lad! It must be sooooo annoying.

Machu is loving it. Harasses him for a bit, popcorns off to eat, very happy about the whole thing. To his credit, when the baby kind of lunges at him, he DOES back off nicely. It's just that he only STAYS backed off for about five seconds!
Well yeah mine is still doing it but they have longer periods where they hang out without any hunping now. I look out for teeth chattering (Rodney never does this) and any bullying signs like stopping him eat etc of which there are none. How old is your little man? Machu is a year or so isn't he?

I mean you will probably find he always does it but as he gets older I would expect it to become less. It's very early on for them so he's going crazy with it at the moment.

Long as baby boy doesn't get too angry & Machu takes the hint they should be ok. My Billy does take a hint when he told, the past few days I've noticed they have more of an understanding I think... Their relationship will develop x
Ah yes, my Billy is 9 months & likes a good hump ?/

Once he has achieved his rank he should calm a little altho I would expect humping & chasing to probably be normal activity for them just reduced...
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