More dominance battles


Forum Donator 2023/24
Feb 1, 2020
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South Oxfordshire
Kingsley has kicked off again.. it’s monthly!

Kingsley is (at a guess) 14 months old. Keith is 18 months old. We adopted Kingsley in April after the loss of my beloved old man Gibson.

Since April, we have had to separate them (divide the cage) twice, and it looks like tonight will be number 3.

No changes in the cage, no triggers at all. Kingsley will not let Keith be, he won’t let him eat, sleep, rest.. it’s painful. Is Kingsley just a bully?

Never surrendered an animal before but it’s looking like going that way.. I just can’t cope with it!
Sorry to hear this. Kingsley May still be in the latter stages of the teen months, given the age. But coming out of the teens doesn’t necessarily mean that these ‘teen’ behaviours stop.

The issue is you can’t keep separating monthly. It will be detrimental to their bond. How long do these ‘phases’ last and what does Kingsley do? Have you been weighing Keith to make sure he’s not losing weight? I ask because you say he’s not allowed to eat. And how does Keith behave when they’re separated?

Lastly, is there an option to have them living side by side rather than surrendering a Kingsley back to the rescue?

Have a read of the guide I’ve linked below regarding dominance behaviour. I’ll also tag @Piggies&buns

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Bonds In Trouble
Thanks @Siikibam

So far today it’s been three hours. Outside of these turns they seem to get on well, sleeping and eating together. Last time it was about 5 hours of chasing and humping and teeth chattering before I separated them, and that was because I was going to bed and couldn’t watch them overnight. They were fine in the morning.

Should I just leave them to it overnight? Keith is sort of ‘having a go’ back, they stop every 10 minutes or so for a two minute sleep then it all starts again. If Keith stops to rest from being chased, Kingsley doesn’t let up, he just keeps on and on..

I know they will be ok tomorrow if I separate them overnight, but I am also aware they need to sort out their dominance.

I do t have space to keep them permanently side by side, so that would t be an option.

I’m sure they’ll be ok, I just do t know whether to split them again overnight or leave them to it..

Oh, no, Keith hasn’t lost any weight, he only doesn’t get near food when Kingsley has one of these heads on!
Thanks @Siikibam

So far today it’s been three hours. Outside of these turns they seem to get on well, sleeping and eating together. Last time it was about 5 hours of chasing and humping and teeth chattering before I separated them, and that was because I was going to bed and couldn’t watch them overnight. They were fine in the morning.

Should I just leave them to it overnight? Keith is sort of ‘having a go’ back, they stop every 10 minutes or so for a two minute sleep then it all starts again. If Keith stops to rest from being chased, Kingsley doesn’t let up, he just keeps on and on..

I know they will be ok tomorrow if I separate them overnight, but I am also aware they need to sort out their dominance.

I do t have space to keep them permanently side by side, so that would t be an option.

I’m sure they’ll be ok, I just do t know whether to split them again overnight or leave them to it..

Oh, no, Keith hasn’t lost any weight, he only doesn’t get near food when Kingsley has one of these heads on!

If you worry, I would put the separator in overnight. However, it doesn't look like it will lead to a fall out. The odd hormone spikes can strike right into early adulthood but by this stage they wil generally not lead to a fall-out anymore.
Thanks @Wiebke

I didn’t separate them and things seem harmonious this morning. No injury or bad feeling!

Now I just need to figure out who the dominant one is…!

It's been 6 months with the goblins and I still haven't worked it out.
With Comet and Blitzen, it was probably Comet, but I never had a concrete answer in the time I had them. 🤷‍♂️ sometimes it's obvious, sometimes we just get to guess.
Thanks @Wiebke

I didn’t separate them and things seem harmonious this morning. No injury or bad feeling!

Now I just need to figure out who the dominant one is…!

Please don't worry about fall-outs. They may have the occasional tiff but when the chips are down, they want to be together and for that reason, they won't go up to the line. It doesn't matter who the dominant one is as long as they know; they are obviously fairly evenly matched.

They are now coming out of teenage/have just come out of teenage so things are going to large settle down more and more as the years go by, bar the odd hormone spike or spring wake-up. But - importantly - they are now both past the major fall-out points during teenage and they are no less closely bonded because their relationship is a bit more on the occasionally argumentative side. Piggies are actually a lot like people - you get all sorts and most work in their own way. It just depends on the personalities involved and how they react with each other. ;)

Observing the hierarchy strictly is only crucial where there is a rather insecure (usually teenage) leader insisting on his rights and where any lack of the proper protocol can cause an upset. When you can't spot the leader, it frankly doesn't matter to the piggies, either, or they would have let you know. Simple as.
Thank you, both - so glad I didn’t chicken out and separate them again! They’re both happily buried in hay at the moment!