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More bladder problems in our household

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Caviesgalore (EPGPR)

Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all, Rachael and I have just been out to clean out the piggies only to find Snowy, our oldest boar looking a bit uncomfortable. I sat and watched him for a bit and then he started to make that unmistakable squeak which means he is in pain, sure enough it happened when he tried to wee. He is still able to go to the loo and is munching his way through a huge pile of grass as I type. I have started him on a course of Septrin, but cannot believe I am having yet more problems. :(

To make matters worse someone in the community hutch also appears to be passing "pink" wee. I put them all on newspaper whilst I trimmed everyones nails and despite checking each and every one of them over carefully I haven't been able to tell who it is. No-one seems to be in pain and they all tucked in to some fresh veggies.

Whilst nail clipping, I did discover that poor Flossie has managed to pull out one of her front toe nails. It appears to have healed over i.e. dried blood on the end forming a scab so I didn't mess around with it but I will be keeping a close eye on her.

Don't mean to moan, but just feeling a bit sorry for myself, it seems to be one thing after the other at the moment and I am beginning to think I am doing something wrong :'(. Snowy is Tetley's dad (RIP) so I am beginning to think it might be hereditary particularly as Ruby, who is Snowy's aunt, also had a bit of bladder problems a couple of months back.
Dont blame yourself, if its hereditry there isnt much you could do about it, you look after your piggies very well and I'm sure you'll have a run of good luck soon. Hope they're feeling better soon x
Sounds like you're having a rough time.
((((( HUG )))))
I only have two piggies and it took ages to figure out who had pink wee.
The fact that you are spotting these problems and doing something about them
shows you are doing a great job. O0
Anne. x
Could it be some blood from the nail possibly?

Is he on Uriflow?
I've read that is seemingly hereditary- the only thing you've done is got members of the same family and thats not your fault :) You know the drill- loads of water ::)
Thanks everyone - I agree Karen, take in members from the same family and if a problem arises that could be hereditary - well say no more. Have started him on Septrin today, have increased his fluid intake and have just stocked up on baby juice so will start the Uriflow/juice tomorrow.

As far as Flossie's nail is concerned I think what I can see is dry blood from when the nail came out - ouch. It seems to be ok, doesn't appear to bother her so I will continue to monitor it closely. None of mine have ever lost a nail before, can only think that perhaps she caught it on/under something?

Thanks for the support, just feeling like rubbish, but have no choice but to pick myself up and continue to care for these adorable fur balls :)
Awww sorry to hear this, you are doing a fab job. Let us know how Snowy gets on :)
I've started Snowy on the Uriflow and juice regime and bless him he seems to like the mixture. He is taking his Septrin well and I have ordered some more from my vet today. I'm going to see how he goes over the next day or two (unless of course he takes an obvious turn for the worst) and then I think he is going to have to go and have an xray :(

He is still eating and tucked into his hay with gusto this morning - I am praying he has a UTI and not a stone.
Wishing Snowy well and hope the septrin etc does the trick. I have read about uriflow and wondered if it did help? I would be interested to know :)
Damonshumanslave said:
What does pink wee mean? Is it bad?

It means there is blood in it which would indicate a urinary tract infection/cystitis etc :)
Ouchy. How do you avoid getting those? Water and vitamin C?

Are they common?
UTI `s are fairly common in gps,sows are more prone to them than boars.Having said that I have 17 piggies and have not had a UTI for 2 years.

There is no preventative except to keep the floor of their accomodation clean.They could possibly get an infection through sitting on wet dirty bedding.

Pgs should have clean drinking water available at all times,but vitimin C supplements should only be given to a poorly pig or a pig that cannot eat properly because of dental problems.They should get all the vits they need through grass,dry and fresh, and varied veggies.
Thanks for posting that Mary, I haven't been around for a couple of days as I've been in hospital with Rachael whilst she's had her adenoids removed - never rains and all that!

DHS piggies that don't drink a huge amount seem to quite often be the ones to suffer from bladder/stone problems.

I have been giving Snowy his Septrin since the weekend and have also been giving him baby juice and Uriflow twice a day. He loves the Septrin but has gone off the juice a bit but we are persevering! Needless to say Snowy is a piggy who very rarely goes near his water bottle so I think I am going to have to help him keep his liquid intake up by syringing him several times a day, which I will have to do to get the Uriflow into him (for those that don't know Uriflow is supposed to help stop the formation of stones in humans and several people kindly suggested I try it when we had problems with one of our other boars over the summer). In addition to the extra fluids I am also feeding wet juicy foods i.e. cucumber, grapes, melon etc. and making sure it is washed and still quite wet when I give it to the boys, the same goes for any fresh grass I cut for them.

He is still eating well and despite loathing the syringe he is still coming to the front of his cage to great me everytime I go out into the shed :smitten:. He seems in a little less pain than he was at the weekend so I am keeping everything crossed that it was a UTI and not a stone and that the treatment is beginning to work. Thanks for all the support.
oh no Sandra - just read this thread!

Damn bladder problems! >:( I really hope passing urine becomes less painful for him... and the treatment and your TLC does the trick. O0

Sending loadsa luv :smitten:
Fingers crossed ofr him, seems like you've had a lot on your plate! Hopefully it will all calm down soon x
Thanks all :). Now all my boarders have gone home I have moved a chair into the shed and Snowy and I had some "quality time" together whilst I gave him his Uriflow and juice today. He still gets hacked off with the syringe but a bit of spaghetti greens seemed to work well as a bribe!

He munched his way through tons of hay, fresh cut grass and some readygrass this morning before crashing out for a snooze, even having Curly and Herbie bombing around him didn't wake the poor old fella up ;D.

I was in and out of the shed all day today cleaning, feeding etc. and I wasn't aware of any pain squeaks, I am keeping everything crossed that the medicine is beginning to work - do hope that isn't tempting fate.
Hi Jess,
I know you are only trying to help,but please do not keep quoting guinealynx for info.

This site does have some good information but a lot of it is dubious.,and very over the top.

For instance they say that allergic reactions are rare in gps,I know from experience that they suffer from allergies quite frequently.
Thank you for your input Jess, but as Karen pointed out, Snowy is currently receiving treatment - which you would have realised if you had read the thread through. I feel bad enough having a sick guinea pig to care for without someone suggesting that I haven't had the forsight to seek medical attention. For the record I do realise how important it is to get your piggy checked out by a vet for this type of problem because, unfortunately, I have experienced bladder stones and UTI's in the past with several other piggies. :(

Whilst I do use GL from time to time as a source of information I would much rather post on here to get some advice from "local" piggy lovers. The big plus of the forum is a wealth of knowledgeable people, plus the ease of obtaining medicines etc. from well known shops and getting to know the correct terms for meds should a vet be needed.
I feel so sorry for you. :'( I would not know about these problems, I only have 1 piggy.

Hope your piggies get better. O0
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