Moo Wont Eat After Seperation And Fight

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2015
Reaction score
Moo wont eat after seperation and the fight. I put veggies in his cage and wster and pelletts.
I see fresh poo thats wet kind of but but the pellets and water and hah seemed not touched. I push the veggies to his face and he will eat it if he sees me wanting him to eat.
I picked him up today and he nuzzled purred and cryed while i pett'd him.
He wont run away from me or bite me.
Some times when i try to pick him up he will go in a corner and teeth growl.

It will cost me 50usd to make anothrr cage nest week or the week after that and a month for shipping to arrive. I was just wondering if anyone could help me i think he is depressed he wont come out his house and he crys.
Is he still in contact through bars with Nibbles just for stimulation? Poor boy; hopefully he'll come out of it soon!
Otherwise, try to feed them next to each other if you can create an area with a divider they can see through. That should kickstart his appetite.
Should i put him back in the 2x5 cage with the divider? They were trying to fight inbetween the divider and teeth chattering

I can make two 2x4 grid cages with no roof and have a stand on both of them. For 55usd.
Or should i try and put him back?
Should i put him back in the 2x5 cage with the divider? They were trying to fight inbetween the divider and teeth chattering

I can make two 2x4 grid cages with no roof and have a stand on both of them. For 55usd.
Or should i try and put him back?

I would see how they are back in the divided 2x5 C&C together, but I think that even if there are hostilities it is still better as far as Moo is concerned. Fights are hugely upsetting for the piggies, too, and it can take a day or two for them to come to terms with it.
They fought and if i wasnt stopping them some one would have died. I picked nibbles 3feet off the floor from the cage and moo finaly got off and fell in the cage.
And when i stuck my hands in and tried to seperate them they still didnt stop.
I'm sure they have more vet bills and abscesses again?

I sincerely hope not! You were right to separate. Now you have to try and see whether they can still live as next door neighbours.
They fought and if i wasnt stopping them some one would have died. I picked nibbles 3feet off the floor from the cage and moo finaly got off and fell in the cage.
And when i stuck my hands in and tried to seperate them they still didnt stop.
I'm sure they have more vet bills and abscesses again?

I sincerely hope not! You were right to separate. Now you have to try and see whether they can still live as next door neighbours. Have you checked them all over for bite wounds?
I dont really know what to look for. I mean I'm not stupid but i didnt see any blood.

When i saw it I'm 100% sure they bit hard.
It was like a pit bull fight.
And ill try and make it a 2x6 ill have to rigg the 2x5 coroplast and add more grids ans connectors that i will buy for 10dollars this week later. IF they are alright

I did say try a 2x6, all you would need to add is two grids, one either side and then a bit of extra correx. You don't necessarily need the connectors if they are on a solid surface, cable ties would do. If they aren't on a solid surface then I'd consider the connectors.

I hope you manage to sort something out for them both.
And ill try and make it a 2x6 ill have to rigg the 2x5 coroplast and add more grids ans connectors that i will buy for 10dollars this week later. IF they are alright


If you haven't found any signs of needle-like deep puncture holes from the front teeth aroudn the rump and the neck (these are the ones that are most likely to cause real damage and to abscess if not disinfected and treated with antibiotics), then there you do not have to worry about new abscesses, either. it also means that things have not been at their very desperate worst, so they will hopefully settle down as neighbours. You will have to sit through some initial stuff, though, so please brace yourself for that.
Inistial stuff and brace? Theyl do more?

You have to brace for some kind of show when they meet (all boars do that, even my adult neutered boars), but it will hopefully not be on quite the same level as the last one, so take heart! Just don't expect them to move in with a nice little handshake and hello over the fence.
They bite the bars, there noses goes into the other ones side.
Is that okay?
I mean the option to bite each others nose
If he starts eating and drinking more should i just make another cage i saw him pop corning earlyer.
They bite the bars, there noses goes into the other ones side.
Is that okay?
I mean the option to bite each others nose

My boars do that and there have never been any bites, as they do not really invade each others' space.
Okay. Well hes pop corning and eating i dont know if hes drinking or not.
Should i get another cage? He stopped wimpering?
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