Mom Won't Allow Piggy's In The House

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New Born Pup
Oct 12, 2014
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We have a cat and dog who are the family pets and then i have a rabbit who lives outside.
My mom wouldn't let me have the rabbit inside, i accepted that fact because they need lots of room and smell.

Now i want a Guinea Pig indoors, but she won't allow it.
  1. She thinks my room is too small
  2. They smell
  3. The cage will make clutter in the bedroom
  4. It is unhygienic - bad to sleep in the same room as a animal
I know that you might say i have enough animals but i love my rabbit to bits (and he is only mine, i pay for everything he has) and the cat and dog are family pets.

Please give me some points i can to persuade my mom to allow me guinea pigs in my room (or at least in the house). :help:
You could point out that they cant cope with the cold very well so could end up at the vets a lot.You could also end up ill having to go outside to see and interact with them.You might just have to accept that you will have to wait unttil you have your own house.Good luck
Living indoors is better of them because:
Easier to spot illness.
More interaction- they will be happier.
They will keep warm, they do not cope well in the winter.

They don't smell, if you maintain the cage, for indoors a c&c cage is best.
You could offer to pay for the indoor cage?
A warning for you, most pet stores cages are too small, is why I recommend c&c as you can customise the shape and size.
I live with my guinea pigs in my bedroom, and had pets in my ever since i was a small child and have never had any health issues, if you clean them out regularly and use a good bedding then there is no reason for them to smell awful, you'll smell they hay but i quite like that smell.

It'll make them more friendly and will be much safer health and danger wise indoors for them.

The cage needs to at least be 120cm by 60cm or a 2x4 c&c cage for two guineas pigs as you shouldn't get a piggy on it's own.

You could write a list of all the things you know about guinea pigs and how much it's would cost each week and show her your really prepared to care for them and know what your doing so that she can see what a responsible owner you would be and how much you love them?

Good luck :)
if your mom is saying you don't have enough space in your room she's probably just looking out for you and the guinea pigs, they really aren't an impulsive pet buy like most think, maybe focus on the bunny now and focus your finances on he/she until you have the proper space & living area for guinea pigs. i hope it all works out. i also agree with the c&c i see pet store guinea pig cages and they honestly kind of make me sad. (by the way your rabbit in your picture is adorable:luv:)
I was in the same situation around a month ago. My mom vacuumed the room one day to find SOME piggy hair on the vacuum. It was only a little bit but she made me take them outside and I'm NOT allowed to bring them in at all.

I would also get 2 guinea pigs as they are herd animals and must be in pairs or more. I don't know where you live but it's best to have them inside if it gets chilly in the winter. Whatever your mom says don't be bothered!
I actually got used to them being outside in a week or two, guinea pigs are lovely little animals even if they are housed inside or out. :)
We have a cat and dog who are the family pets and then i have a rabbit who lives outside.
My mom wouldn't let me have the rabbit inside, i accepted that fact because they need lots of room and smell.

Now i want a Guinea Pig indoors, but she won't allow it.
  1. She thinks my room is too small
  2. They smell
  3. The cage will make clutter in the bedroom
  4. It is unhygienic - bad to sleep in the same room as a animal
I know that you might say i have enough animals but i love my rabbit to bits (and he is only mine, i pay for everything he has) and the cat and dog are family pets.

Please give me some points i can to persuade my mom to allow me guinea pigs in my room (or at least in the house). :help:

My rabbit freeranges the house and he doesn't smell!

Have you actually got Guinea Pigs now or do you mean you want to get some and keep them inside?
I want to get some and keep them inside
My rabbit freeranges the house and he doesn't smell!

Have you actually got Guinea Pigs now or do you mean you want to get some and keep them inside?
Thank you everybody foe the advice, hopefully i can change her mind :gp::yahoo:
It is good you are researching their living environment before you get them. What is happening with regards to the situation now?

Now i am just collecting all of the information about guinea pigs and then i will show it to my parents and hopefully they'll see that i seriously want one and will allow me. :xd:
Now i am just collecting all of the information about guinea pigs and then i will show it to my parents and hopefully they'll see that i seriously want one and will allow me. :xd:
When I was first getting pigs I did a huge presentation about them, hopefully you doing this for them coming inside will work.
i kind of didn't tell my dad but let him fall in love with Luna (he likes the black & white ones that look like little skunks) worked out for me haha
You will need to get two piggies as they need to be with their own kind, they can get ill being on their own.
I would read as much as you can on there about the cost of piggies it's not true that they are a cheap pet. I have boars and I will be honest they do smell this is because the're 6months old and their hormones are in over drive at this stage of their life which means they are scenting a lot.
If your parents do insist that you are only allowed one guinea pig then you might want to go to a rescue and see if they have any lone pigs that cannot be homed for whatever reason with others as they really shouldnt be on their own but there are circumstances that they cant. Good luck!
It is better for them to live indoors, because they don't cope well with cold and heat- does your mother want your guinea pig to possibly have a heat stroke? If you keep their cage clean, they actually do not smell much at all. As long as you don't have any allergies, it really isn't that bad to have an animal in the room with you. Also, make sure if you get a guinea pig or two you should have the properly sized cage- I made that mistake, but now I am working on fixing it. Also, if you want to get a guinea pig, it is a good idea to get him/her a friend of the same gender, unless one is spayed/neutered. Keep doing research, and, if you can't, you may just have to wait until you get your own house... best of luck to you!
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