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Mole on back of guinea pig?


New Born Pup
Oct 28, 2017
Reaction score
I have recently found a weird mole, potential cyst on one side of the hip bone on my guinea pig. I have been researching but only found other owners to have found this on their guinea pigs stomach. I’m slightly worried and really hope it’s nothing threatening, anyone have any ideas what is could be?


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I don't know what this could be but it's probably best to see the vet if there's anything concerning you.
If u r unsure abt that mole, I recommend seeing a vet. I’m so sry I couldn’t help much. I hope your little piggy is fine!
I have recently found a weird mole, potential cyst on one side of the hip bone on my guinea pig. I have been researching but only found other owners to have found this on their guinea pigs stomach. I’m slightly worried and really hope it’s nothing threatening, anyone have any ideas what is could be?


It looks a bit like a cyst or trichofolliculoma (benign tumour sitting at the roots of hairs).
Please see a vet at your convenience for a hands-on diagnosis. It is not dangerous in either case. We can unfortunately only guess.