Modifying hutches!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands, UK
I want to make this suitable for piggies :)
It has a cover, and is 4ft long x 2ft wide x 2ft high.
I used it for my rabbit (who had a 7ft run attached with 24/7 access) until she was spayed and bonded with my boy :)


And this is the run :) (only it is the one with the sheltered bit on the one end of it) we wouldn't be able to attach it but trust me when I say I know how exercise is important for animals! I have some very athletic bunnies! :(|)


My mom wants to lino the hutch, raise the ramp and cover the ramp with carpet. I think a little 'banister rail' too.

Are they allowed straw? What kind of things do you put in the hutches? Does anybody have any pictures? :) Sorry for all the questions! :))
You'll also be better putting something under the ramp to make it less steep so the piggies can get up. That looks a little too steep at the moment. ;)

I'm not an expert on hutches but this thread might be useful for you

I've been told that straw is likely to cause eye injuries as it's too hard, you should probably use hay instead as it's softer.

Lots of people use different types of bedding here so it depends what works for you, the housing section on the forum has lots of ideas :)
If they live outside you want bedding that is going to keep them nice and snug. They don't have fur like buns

I have always used straw for years until recently when I started just using cheap hay as bedding. So it is up to you but I would suggest one of those for warmth
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