moaning old git again

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Jan 23, 2006
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would you believe it a copper came round last night and said the old man had moaned because cars had gone down the road again not a private road, huh NOT my boys i might add he said they were fine, so what the hell are the police doing knocking on my door not my problem I knew it he was told to stay away from me so he is now getting the police to do his dirty work for him its still harrasment, MIcks going to complain today and would like to speak to the old git himself , he is so sad and a miserable old codger the type to give ll old people a bad name , good thing the copper did'nt knock when Bon Jovi was on he would'nt have got passed my door step lol any one got nay ideas what to do about this old misery guts
Good god what a pain in the 'arris he is. I have no suggestions apart from bricking up his windows and doors and cutting his telephone line ;D
Goodness! The police didnt even come round when some one nicked my 9 year olds phone of her! It was just befoe new year and she got it for xmas. I rang the phone and the bloke asked for the charger!

the police here have too much on their hands certailing to sick old men like him I am so mad with him, good suggestions by the way, Mick said hes going to put christmas lights on the roof spelling out merry christmas to everyone except the miserable old git over the road lol hate him so much Micks going to complaint o the police as the boys are not my concern and no relation to me the old gits got the police to do his harrasing instead of him, Oscar over the road said he needs a contract out on him lol
michellemuffin said:
the police here have too much on their hands certailing to sick old men like him I am so mad with him, good suggestions by the way, Mick said hes going to put christmas lights on the roof spelling out merry christmas to everyone except the miserable old git over the road lol hate him so much Micks going to complaint o the police as the boys are not my concern and no relation to me the old gits got the police to do his harrasing instead of him, Oscar over the road said he needs a contract out on him lol

I love that idea with the lights, really made me laugh

I am so pleased I don't have neighbours

we wont soon if i get my way, want to move out in the middle of no where or a little village, mind you the old git lives across the road way down a little road so hes not even my neighbour but likes to think he still got control of people , messed with the wrong one this time lol
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