mixed group, female aggression towards new male


New Born Pup
May 10, 2022
Reaction score
i have three guinea pigs

cinnamon (3 yo, female)

merlin (10 months, male)

pepita (4 months, female)

cinnamon and pepita have been already introduced to each other, they are pretty neutral towards each other.

this was the first time cinnamon wasn't on the bottom of the hierarchy.

merlin is alone in the hospital cage still, he can only be introduced to the girl without any barrier between them in two weeks. i've switching their pillows and other soft items so they can familiarise each other scent. cinnamon does not care to smell it, pepita always spends a fair amount of time sniffing around.

i've been letting merlin free roam in the room, he really enjoys it. he did go up to the girls cage, i assumed at least they'll meet in person for the first time, as they only heard each other before. pepita seems to be really interested in him, they sniff each other and then go on their merry way, cinnamon however.. she is being really mean towards merlin. she have bitten him throughout the bars&merlin did the same. she chatters and complains at the sight of him, fur all puffed up and everything. merlin seems to be more defensive than aggressive to me. he only chatters back if she does, otherwise he is quite curios about her still.

cinnamon have been a bully like this with her previous companion, but he used to put her in her place and she'd eventually stop. the vet did not find cyst. (we going for another regular checkup this summer)

today i put their cages next to each other so they are forced to see and smell the other one, but not close enough so they can actually bite. i also stuffed some hay between the two bars so they can bond over the fact that they love to eat. there have been some complaining on cinnamons part, but no chattering nor tries to attack him. my main concern is merlin not eating, because he is occupied with trying to get to the girls and also breaking off his teeth by chewing on the bars.

do you guys have any other tips to make them like & more comfortable with each other?
If this is his first time around girls, then he is going to have quite a strong reaction and is going to be desperate to get to them. Make sure you weigh all your piggies regularly so you can ensure they are eating enough hay.
There is nothing you can do to make them get on though. The only way to know whether Cinnamon will accept him is to try the neutral territory bonding when he is safe to be with them.
It’s possible that for now, she is defending her territory but chattering and trying to bite him when he goes to the bars. If Cinnamon, as dominant piggy, doesn’t like him and won’t accept him, then they will need to always remain in separate cages

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
thank you for the advice! the breeder used him in breeding previously; he said that merlin acted quite respectful around the female. he is definitely more excited and pushy than cinnamon's previous male cagemate though. (cinnamon grew up next to him & he was also older)

i guess i'll just have to root that they'll be better on neutral territory in the future.😬really hoping they can live in one cage, i wouldn't really want a fourth piggie and rehoming isnt an option.