Mixed bonding group


New Born Pup
May 29, 2023
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So i got my girls for my boys last night and put them together. They were non stop rumbling and mounting last night but are now sleeping together and I haven’t heard any teeth chattering is this successful bonding or should i keep supervising them?

Edit one pair of sow and boar was teeth chattering this morning is this normal as really nervous they wont bond😬
It’s normal . Your boys have presumably not lived with a sow each before (given the boys were together as a pair before their fall out) so their reaction to being around a girl is heightened.
It will take them two weeks to fully form their relationship and you are going to see such dominance behaviours during that time

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
It’s normal . Your boys have presumably not lived with a sow each before (given the boys were together as a pair before their fall out) so their reaction to being around a girl is heightened.
It will take them two weeks to fully form their relationship and you are going to see such dominance behaviours during that time

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Amazing thank you . One pair i can see have bonded they are fine i hoo.
The other one they dont sit together like they’re say either side of the cage is this a bad sign? I know he did annoy her with the constant humping

Amazing thank you . One pair i can see have bonded they are fine i hoo.
The other one they dont sit together like they’re say either side of the cage is this a bad sign? I know he did annoy her with the constant humping


Not sitting together is not necessarily a bad sign - it’s not a sign the bond has failed as a lot of pairs don’t sit together