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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2021
Reaction score
One of my boys is scratching a lot at the moment, he uses his back feet and his teeth to scratch his back/side and ears. He's also grooming/washing a bit more than normal I'd say.

I've checked his fur, especially around the rear end and can't see anything that looks like could be mites' eggs and as he's a black piggie, I guess I'd be able to see them fairly clearly? He doesn't have any scabby or sore patches or fur missing etc, it's just the scratching that's making me wonder.
Poor boy - well done for spotting this change in his behaviour - I’d get a vet to check him - I wouldn’t try anything til then. Mites are extremely hard to see 😬
He definitely needs a vet check.
Certain types of mites can only be seen under a microscope, and even then they don't always show up.
But he does need a hands on examination for a correct diagnosis and treatment plan.
It could also be some sort of skin condition, so best to get him checked.