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Mites or lice


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 11, 2024
Reaction score
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
I'm pretty convinced that my newly adopted piggies have some kind of lice. They scratch a lot and sometimes bite their hairs, and I can see tiny whiteish things on their hairs, not moving but there's lots of them particularly around their bottoms. I put a brush through this hair on one of them gently today and surw enough the white things came off in it. I don't know how long they've had them; they were adopted from a lady who has lots of piggies but needed to downsize. I think they must have caught lice from the other piggies they lived next to or something. I know they weren't getting the care they needed as one came with a wet bottom which has now gone as I trimmed her properly, and the owner never groomed them, only trimmed - I found some bad mats when bottom trimming. I haven't groomed them properly yet though as they're still getting used to me. They're otherwise healthy and getting loads more comfortable with me, eating well, pooing lots, running around happily when I've cleaned. I've booked a vets appointment, earliest they could do was next Wednesday. I don't know might about different types of mites but I don't know how long they've had these, could be ages. Is it safe to leave it until Wednesday?


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Congratulations on your new piggie.i would get her/him vet checked.The vet can identify the correct parasite,and give you the correct treatment.
I'm sorry you are dealing with this ,good luck going forward.
Lice are pale crawling creatures, easily visible and you should find them living in an active infestation.

Mites are not visible to the human eye. All you will be able to see are black specks which are the empty egg casings. They are usually stuck to the hair shaft.

Let us know how you get on with the vet
Have been to the vets, they have mites and have been prescribed Ivermectin, and they also have a bacterial ear infection for which they're having antibiotics. Poor babies! The vet was lovely, but they're very glad to be home!