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Mites and eyes


New Born Pup
Feb 13, 2022
Reaction score
Hi are there any types of mites that can create crust around the eyes or weaping eyes? Thanks 🙏🏼
Hi are there any types of mites that can create crust around the eyes or weaping eyes? Thanks 🙏🏼


Please have your piggies vet checked promptly. If your piggies are newly bought, you can reclaim the fees from the place of sale as part of your customer rights for having been sold damaged (i.e. infected) ware.

There are no mites or other parasites that cause these symptoms but you could be dealing with a highly contagious species jumping fungal skin infection.
However, I can definitely not diagnose sight unseen and would most strongly recommend you to NOT home treat on spec, as you can easily make things much worse rather than better and end up with a long running battle through false economy. No vet will thank you for making a diagnosis very difficult by applying creams on spec. I appreciate that it is not comfortable for your piggies but you will make much more headway and get on top of it once and for all if you opt for the best treatment and follow our our very detailed hygiene advice to get on top of all the spores - scrupulous hygiene is as crucial as any medication. Some transmission angles are less obvious than others but you want to address them all.

Here is our practical information pack:
New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights
Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures