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mite help i think

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Nov 23, 2007
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:( my piggies are itchy,i think its mites,ive been treating with mite spray but ive just read that its not a good idea as they can get into their respiritory system :o i was very careful but i dont wnat to risk it again. i think it is mites, only 2 out of the 8 are affected as far as i can tell, they look like the have a bit of dandruff, and scratch more than the others, 1 of them has a slightly thinner patch of fur between her shoulder blades. can anyone tell me an effective way to stop the mite infestation if thats what it is. ive read somewhere about buying a frontline pipette for dogs and putting 1 drop on each piggies backs but i dont think it sounds right, surely if it was made for piggies or other animals they would list it on the packaging ? i wont be taking this advice either way! is there a frontline type treatment for cavies that will work well and doesnt cost the earth? thanks.
Take your piggy to the vet. As you've said the mite sprays can be harmful and ineffective. Frontline is ABSOLUTELY NOT suitable for guinea pigs. Mites need to be treated with ivermectin and preferably diagnosed by a vet as it could also be a fungal infection.
I agree with daftsotslass. It better to them checked and get the necessary treatment.
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