Mistletoe Is Often Sitting On Her Own


Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2013
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Since introducing Caramel, my neutered boar to my two sows, Mistletoe and Jingle I have noticed that Mistletoe is often sitting on her own. Caramel is always very keen to be with Jingle.

M. seems her usual relaxed self but I am wondering if introducing another sow (preferably a younger one) would help to balance things out. Even as I type I realise that is depends on if the new girl gets on best with M or J or C ... I could end up with millions!

I have recently been considering adopting a boar that I tried to adopt almost a year ago who has become available again and this has led me to think about increasing my numbers in the best way for all concerned.

Addictive little creatures arent they?!
Do you think that Mistletoe is lonely? If she's quite content there's no reason to keep introducing more since she has two friends to talk to when she wants to.
Are there any signs of bullying?
be careful with the addiction! :drool: these piggies are worse than cocain!
Jokes aside, I don't think Mistetoe is feeling lonely or sad and I would wait for more time before introducing another stranger...
But as you have room enough I would think about another sow, not a boar. Three sows and a boar always work (also 4 sows and a boar); but another boar might cause an imbalance... also in your life...
Since introducing Caramel, my neutered boar to my two sows, Mistletoe and Jingle I have noticed that Mistletoe is often sitting on her own. Caramel is always very keen to be with Jingle.

M. seems her usual relaxed self but I am wondering if introducing another sow (preferably a younger one) would help to balance things out. Even as I type I realise that is depends on if the new girl gets on best with M or J or C ... I could end up with millions!

I have recently been considering adopting a boar that I tried to adopt almost a year ago who has become available again and this has led me to think about increasing my numbers in the best way for all concerned.

Addictive little creatures arent they?!
Have the same with Lottie, Lulu and Oscar! Lottie is the boss in the group so even the boar defers to her! She's not aggressive or anything but he knows she's boss! Lulu on the other hand, often sits or sleeps on her own while the other two are at least near each other. Before Oscar joined them I realised that they weren't going to be "best buddies" but feel they're Ok as long as no bullying going on. At least they've all company of some kind!
Thank you for your sensible replies. Kallasia there are no signs of bullying it is just that she is often on her own.

Rome italy, yes I MAY one day consider another sow. I am feeling kind of sad about not adopting a boar that I am in love with but obvs couldnt have another boar in with these three.

Good point Alex. I almost want her to be feeling left out so thatbI 'have' to get her a friend!

Janice it does sound like a very similar situation to mine.

They do seem to spend a fair amount of time in a row pancaked under their ikea beds. I will observe them (no hardship there) and make sure that they have plenty of nice boxes and hay to keep them occupied.
as you have room and a large house, you might even consider another group of piggies, with the beloved boar, plus some sows...
But now you can enjoy your trio! :luv: better than going to the theatre!:))
I did consider adopting the much loved boar and getting him a sow but decided that I would rather give my fluffy trio more space.

And yes janice, rome italy is being naughty!
Today Jingle and Mistletoe have been sitting near each other and eating together. Yay.

All three sit in separate places to chill too. Such a happy trio.