Of course your two want to be back together and you will have to sit out 2-3 tough days, unfortunately. Since sows come into season again within hours of giving birth it is just simply too risky to leave them together. We do deal with enough back-to-back pregnancies to know that this does indeed happen and how tough it is on the mum (including increased an increased birthing complications/fatality risk).
If at all possible, please ensure that the can still interact through a cable-tied metal grid divider or cage bars but that your boy cannot climb and jump over or wiggle through in any way. You need to ideally cover the top on the boy's side. The ongoing stimulation from companionship is crucial; it is just that they should not be able to mate - which act takes in reality just seconds and happens too quickly for you to intervene, even if you happen to be around at the right time, which is by no means a given.
Here is the access link to our full pregnancy/birth/mother&baby care information pack, which covers the whole period in practical step-by-step detail with some additional helpful information. Coming up to twenty years of collective practical forum cases as well as personal experiences have gone into our various guides, which are being revised, updated and added to from time to time. Unlike books, our guides format allow us this flexibility.
You may want to bookmark the link, browse, read and re-read as you go along if you are actually dealing with a pregnancy.
As to your boy, you can consider neutering if you have access to a good vet or see whether sitting out the pregnancy watch and rather pair him up with a son of his if your girl turns out pregnant and has male babies. I would in any case not panic and take the time to think things through and do your research.
Here are the links relevant for what to consider in that respect:
1 Neutered Boars
- Myths and facts
- When is boar neutering useful?
2 Neutering Operations
- Finding the right vet
- Operation costs
- Neutering age
- The operation
- Post-op care and recovery (with list of possible neutering complications)
- The necessary 6 weeks post-op wait
3 A Real Life Example
- How a problem-free...
You are welcome to discuss anything with us over the coming weeks and for as long as you need support but we would appreciate if you took the time to read our information links first because you will find that they will answer lots of questions of yours but may generate others. We will offer support during the whole time. Our special section monitors apart from me are experienced rescue people/fosterers.