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Missing tooth


Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
TNQ, Australia
I saw this morning that my guinea pig wasn't eating properly. He was trying to bite his veggies, but kept spitting it out. I looked in his mouth and saw that his upper right tooth is missing, gone. I don't think he lost it today, because I saw a tiny bit of blood on him yesterday. I think this is a result of his frequent and hard biting of the cage in anticipation for food. I can see a bit of gunk on his gums where the tooth was, I'm not sure weather this is an infection or just some food residue. What do I do? Should I take him to a vet? Will his tooth grow back? And to make sure this never happens again, how do I stop him from biting on the cage?
The teeth should grow back but it’s best to see a vet to check where the break is and make sure all is well.
They use the incisors to pick food up, so it would be wise to switch to daily weight checks to be sure he is able to pick up and eat enough hay, syringe feeding if he is losing weight to replace the lost hay intake.
My Edward snapped and broke a lower incisor a few weeks ago. Luckily he was still able to eat but I did have a vet nurse take a look when they went in for nail trims on Monday and his tooth is growing back normally.

His tooth should grow back but please have him vet checked if he is unable to eat hay. Slicing his veggies in to small strips or grating it may help him to eat it better. Weigh him daily and if he’s losing weight, you will know he isn’t eating enough hay
Thanks, thankfully he is able to eat hay and thinly sliced veggies seemingly without much pain. I'm going to get him checked by a vet hopefully very soon. And I'll make sure to weigh him daily. Thank you very much for your help!