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Missed metacam dose


Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2024
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
So I was giving Stripe his metacam through the bars and it was going well but yesterday and today he ran away when I pushed the syringe. Not sure if he got the full dose.

I will start doing it on my lap again from now on but should I give him more today as I'm not sure how much he got?

He's on .33 for managing CBS. We're not sure he's even in pain, it's just recommended to manage CBS.
So I was giving Stripe his metacam through the bars and it was going well but yesterday and today he ran away when I pushed the syringe. Not sure if he got the full dose.

I will start doing it on my lap again from now on but should I give him more today as I'm not sure how much he got?

He's on .33 for managing CBS. We're not sure he's even in pain, it's just recommended to manage CBS.


Please do not give him a higher amount and just give the next dose on the normal strength at the normal time. Do it on the lap if he is not cooperative.

Metacam builds up in the body when given longer term and when used as a sustained maintenance drug. In your case it is mainly used for its anti-inflammatory qualities (swelling down tissue in order to keep the small and narrow cavy airways as wide open as possible) rather than for its painkilling effect. ;)

This is different from high dosage immediate effect major short term pain relief where getting on top of the pain as quickly as possible is the object.