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Mineralized Bladder Wall


New Born Pup
Apr 22, 2020
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Hi. My guinea pig Daisy is eight years old and has had recurring UTIs for most of her life. 17 days ago, I noticed blood in her urine and she was prescribed SMZ-TMP, which did not make the blood go away. She was then given enrofloxacin, assuming that the bacteria had developed antibiotic resistance. This antibiotic did not work either and I had an x-ray done which, I have attached a photo of. The vet said that she either has stones clumped together or mineralization of the bladder wall. She said that an ultrasound will have to be done to find out which it is, which Daisy is being scheduled for. The vet also said that bladder mineralization can be caused by recurrent bladder issues and that this condition isn't very treatable. I am wondering if anyone has heard of this condition and if any advice can be given. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you so much.


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I haven’t got experience of this. I hope someone will be along soon with some advice.
Hi. I recently posted about my guinea pig Daisy, the vet has said she either has stones or a mineralized bladder well. I am thinking about giving her potassium citrate. I found one on Amazon that has no other ingredients, but I would like other's opinions on the dosage. I have read that the dosage for guinea pigs is 20-30 mg and the one I am looking at ordering has a 99 mg scoop and was thinking I could mix one scoop with 10 ml of water and give her 2 ml everyday. Does this sound okay?
Thank you.


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Hi. I recently posted about my guinea pig Daisy, the vet has said she either has stones or a mineralized bladder well. I am thinking about giving her potassium citrate. I found one on Amazon that has no other ingredients, but I would like other's opinions on the dosage. I have read that the dosage for guinea pigs is 20-30 mg and the one I am looking at ordering has a 99 mg scoop and was thinking I could mix one scoop with 10 ml of water and give her 2 ml everyday. Does this sound okay?
Thank you.


You can used potassium citrate with bladder stones/sludge problems but please run it past your vet.

I haven't got any experience with your problem. It is the first time we are coming across it on this forum, unless it is a bladder tightly packed with sludge, which will require an operation.