New Born Pup
Hi there
Sorry if this gets in the wrong place but I need some guidance. My seven year old guinea pig milo is currently on his last attempt to turn him around after a horrible Uri and heart problems we are doing all we can but the prognosis is not good and I want him to go with the dignity he deserves. I was told yesterday by the vet that I cannot be in the room when it happens. Not to be graphic but I know how the procedure is done and I have never heard not being in the room, unless for COVID but this was not mentioned. I just need to know if this is right as I want to be with him and I am distraught that I have been told I can’t be. Can someone please help me and reassure me? I will not let milo suffer because I can’t be with him but I didn’t think this would be an option and I’m shocked.
Sorry if this gets in the wrong place but I need some guidance. My seven year old guinea pig milo is currently on his last attempt to turn him around after a horrible Uri and heart problems we are doing all we can but the prognosis is not good and I want him to go with the dignity he deserves. I was told yesterday by the vet that I cannot be in the room when it happens. Not to be graphic but I know how the procedure is done and I have never heard not being in the room, unless for COVID but this was not mentioned. I just need to know if this is right as I want to be with him and I am distraught that I have been told I can’t be. Can someone please help me and reassure me? I will not let milo suffer because I can’t be with him but I didn’t think this would be an option and I’m shocked.