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Milky discharge from eye

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Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
west mids
Hi all,

Just picked sean up for a cuddle, He seemed fine and everything looked as normal.. he then had a quck face wash.. he now has a milky discharge from one eye. ?/
It seems to be clearing but just wondered what this is and should we be worried?
Hiya Grommit, if I'm not mistaken it's the fluid they use to clean themselves with - probably just a bit of 'leftovers'.
Awww!! Phew!! Thanks. It looks exactly like the picture. How bizarre, I've had piggies for years and never knew about this! Thanks for putting my mind at rest. I'll keep an eye on him (excuse the pun!) to make sure but i feel much better now.
one of mine had this the other day, i freaked then remembered reading about it! PHEW! I cant remember which piggy it was now, but i was petrified that the piggy had hurt the eye at first!
This forum is great, I am new to piggies and am learning stuff everyday from all you guys .......... who knows maybe I be able to help give advice one day ... thanks xoxo
I have noticed that my guinea pigs do this regularly after they've had a bath. The first time I saw this, I was afraid that I had overdosed on the shampoo!
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