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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 1, 2015
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I know we don't get a lot of babies around here so thought you may like to see our Miley's beautiful daughter born at 11am. Sadly she had a (very large) gorgeous, smooth agouti brother that tragically didn't survive his delivery, but we know he tried and he will always be remembered by his family (both furry and hoomin).


Mummy Miley is doing well :-)
I am very sorry that big brother didn't live, but grateful that mum and sister survived the birth. Sadly, large babies are at a much greater risk. :(

The little girl is very cute!
What a beautiful girl! Well done mamma pig!

So sorry about her brother, sad news indeed. Sleep well little one. x
Thank you everyone. I feel sad about baby Helford that was born sleeping, but really pleased and grateful to the world that Miley and baby Zelah have made it through a tough labour. Miley is rather old to be a first time mum and things could have been worse.

Here is more Zelah:

She's beautiful. Hope Mum is ok and not grieving for Helford too much.
Absolutely stunning and she's got that huh what now upward eye look off to a tee already:)):)).

Love those names too, gave my heart a little lurch when I saw them, it's a bank holiday and I'm not going to be in there with family this time.
But soon I hope.
So sorry about her brother but oh my goodness she is cute! You should have a health warning of the extra cuteness so that we are ready for it.. gorgeous !
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