Midnight Update And Question

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Michigan, US
Hello everybody!
I have not been on here in FOREVER, my apologies, I have been so busy! I hope all the piggies (and their slaves) are doing well!
Midnight is doing super well! I believe this is the longest I have had him without a vet visit, hoping to keep it that way until his annual!
I recently bought a grow your own grass kit meant for small animals. The grass has grown now and I think I need to trim it, but I forgot to look up whether or not he can actually eat the grass, and I threw away the box so I have no idea what it is. It looks like the grass that grows outside, so I am assuming that is what it is, but I wanted to make sure of any grasses he should NOT be eating, and ask you guys if you think the grass is safe. I know it said it was for small animals, but I do not trust those things!
Hi lexi, yes pigs can eat grass , though if this is the first time he has eat , make sure it is only a few blades to start off with , then once his tummy
is used to it (say 5 days of small amounts) then you can give him larger amounts) its a bit like putting them
in garden runs after the winter, ) a few mins first then an hour , and after a week or so you can leeve them in the run all day
Can your pigs not just go outside on the grass? they love being outside! Saves lots of time and money than growing lol
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