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Metacam and Baytril dosage


New Born Pup
Mar 3, 2023
Reaction score
Warrington, United Kingdom
Hi , my guinea pig Cookie is 3 y and 8 months old and he got a URI caught very early. He has been to the vet today and she prescribed him 0.58 ml cat metacam once daily and 0.58 ml baytril twice daily. He has been on these medications before and I am sure the dosage has never been so high. I gave it to him 3 hours ago and he seems ok also gave him probiotics just. I will ring the vets tomorrow to double check the dosage before I gave it to him again as I dont think is the right one. He is 1.46 kg male. I am worried he got overdosed. Does anyone know if the dosage is ok?
Hi , my guinea pig Cookie is 3 y and 8 months old and he got a URI caught very early. He has been to the vet today and she prescribed him 0.58 ml cat metacam once daily and 0.58 ml baytril twice daily. He has been on these medications before and I am sure the dosage has never been so high. I gave it to him 3 hours ago and he seems ok also gave him probiotics just. I will ring the vets tomorrow to double check the dosage before I gave it to him again as I dont think is the right one. He is 1.46 kg male. I am worried he got overdosed. Does anyone know if the dosage is ok?


In view of this being a reoccurrance, the baytril dosage would be higher to ensure that any potential bacterial reservoir is cleared out but it is still below what you would get prescribed for a urinary tract infection, for instance. For a larger boy like yours the baytril dosage is reasonable and not maxed out yet. The first time your vet has obviously opted for the usual low dosage for a milder upper respiratory tract infection.

I am currently giving higher dosages metacam to my arthritic elderlies right now, one of which is just half the size/weight of your boy. ;)

I hope that this helps you?

In view of this being a reoccurrance, the baytril dosage would be higher to ensure that any potential bacterial reservoir is cleared out but it is still below what you would get prescribed for a urinary tract infection, for instance. For a larger boy like yours the baytril dosage is reasonable and not maxed out yet. The first time your vet has obviously opted for the usual low dosage for a milder upper respiratory tract infection.

I am currently giving higher dosages metacam to my arthritic elderlies right now, one of which is just half the size/weight of your boy. ;)

I hope that this helps you?
Thank you for your reply😊 I am relieved now was so anxious I gave him an overdose.
Hey ,
Its been a week on the medication now and I noticed since yesterday he started to have a crackling sound dont know if its from his nose or he got something stuck from food. I just wonder what that could be as he should get better with the antibiotic not worse. Everything else seems ok and he doesn't have a nose discharge anymore. I am ringing the vet today to book an appointment to check him just in case. Just confused could he get worse from the medication?
Hey ,
Its been a week on the medication now and I noticed since yesterday he started to have a crackling sound dont know if its from his nose or he got something stuck from food. I just wonder what that could be as he should get better with the antibiotic not worse. Everything else seems ok and he doesn't have a nose discharge anymore. I am ringing the vet today to book an appointment to check him just in case. Just confused could he get worse from the medication?


Your boy is not getting worse from his medication.

Has the crackling been just temporary? In this case, it could just have been a little obstruction of the narrow and small airways which would have become more audible while eating, which puts an additional stress on them. Even just a little speck of a hay dust can sound rather alarming at times.

I would recommend to book an appointment if the crackling is persistent. In this case the meds have not worked; either because it is not a respiratory infection (a sensitivity to hay dust or pollen or another irritant can sound just the same) or the bacteria are resistent to the antibiotic you have been prescribed.

Your boy is not getting worse from his medication.

Has the crackling been just temporary? In this case, it could just have been a little obstruction of the narrow and small airways which would have become more audible while eating, which puts an additional stress on them. Even just a little speck of a hay dust can sound rather alarming at times.

I would recommend to book an appointment if the crackling is persistent. In this case the meds have not worked; either because it is not a respiratory infection (a sensitivity to hay dust or pollen or another irritant can sound just the same) or the bacteria are resistent to the antibiotic you have been prescribed.
It started yesterday and its the same today but mainly when he eats so it might be something stuck in his throat. Thanks for the reply Ill book him in hopefully for tomorrow get him checked just in case.😊