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Messy Eater or Dental Issues?


New Born Pup
Dec 29, 2023
Reaction score
I’m a first time piggie owner, and I can’t get an answer as to whether or not my pig is a messy eater or if she has dental issues.

So basically, my girl Sherlock always gets a wet chin when she’s eating food. It’s not wet any other time, but I read that a wet chin can be related to dental issues, and I wanted to make sure she’s alright.

I have bad anxiety (especially about pet health) so I tend to overthink stuff like this, and I figured I’d get an opinion from other piggie owners ! Thanks!
(here are some pictures of her chin while she was eating)


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The best thing is to see a vet. I’m afraid we have no way of knowing whether there is an issue.
Hopefully there isn’t but it would be best to see the vet for your peace of mind
We can't answer this question from afar. Only a vet can tell if the teeth are okay.
But my Bonny is an incredibly messy eater. Her chin is soaked after eating lettuce, she looks like a vampire after eating red pepper. So it doesn't have to be a bad sign but any changes in behaviour or appearence should always be investigated by a vet.
Please weigh your piggies once a week. This will also give you a better picture of their health.