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Messy drinkers?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
Reaction score
Hi everyone!
(First off my pig has been recovering from an infection for a while, she has a follow up appointment next week with an exotic vet so idk if this behaviour is to do with this or her just deciding to be a total clown lol)

My guinea pig yen, has become obsessed with the water bottle. She used to barely even drink anything, and now everytime I go in she’s at that bottle. It doesn’t seem like she’s even really drinking much, more so just splashing it out and letting water go everywhere? It’s frustrating because the water bottle is going down super quick and any liners I put down are getting completely soaked with water so I’m constantly changing it lol!

Any advice? Obv will see the vet this coming week so we’ll see if it’s related to the infection she had I suppose! I just wanted to know if some piggies just are messy drinkers or if they start to use there bottle as a toy lol? Is that possible?
Many thanks
Dignified Sir George is a master bottle botherer. He definitely dribbles out more than he drinks and he is LOUD. It's a good job he empties it so quickly as he also leaves food residue all over the nozzle so it has to be cleaned as wellScreenshot_2023-11-07-17-19-26-95_b5f6883d2c20a96c53babc0b4ac88108.jpg. I say it because he will only drink from the one downstairs. I use this underneath it to catch the two full bottles worth of water that he wastes every day. Both boys seem to find it comfortable to sleep on too!
I'm glad Yen is doing well ❤️
There's definitely messy drinkers out there, @YvonneBlue Pongo is one of them. I've mostly had bottle destroyers, I have to use a bowl now. Cam can't be trusted with a bottle.
My RB piggy Caspy used to empty his bottle and soak the cage. Brillo has started taken over the game now, if I go out for any length of time I put an extra bottle in his cage because he runs out of water. I put an extra very thick pee pad under messy drinkers bottles to save the main fleece. I found if I put a bowl under the bottle they will stand on it and tip it over.
There's definitely messy drinkers out there, @YvonneBlue Pongo is one of them. I've mostly had bottle destroyers, I have to use a bowl now. Cam can't be trusted with a bottle.
Pongo is a nightmare with water. He just likes to let it run down his face onto the fleece. If I get a new type of bottle he just sees it as a challenge.

I put an extra piece of fleece with puppy pad under it beneath the spouts but sometimes the cage still gets soaked. They have plenty of enrichment in their cage so it's not boredom, he just seems to enjoy bottle emptying.😂
My female piggy is a messy drinker too. I initially used pee pads but found they were getting soaked too quickly, and they tend to lie on the wet pee pad while drinking water. I notice the part where the water drips were would turn green after a day or two on my guineadad fleece, and so I’m wanting to make more fleece pads for them. For now I’m using a bird feeder to contain the water cause I tried putting a bowl and they’d constantly put their front feet into the wet bowl.
