merlin and heath are seperated

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well thats it. ive just removed heath. i caught the nipping, and a fight just kicked off bigtime

merlin is on his own at the min in the cage. i am moving heath into the nero 3 for now as hes quite worked up :(

i am considering tryiing him with bob and munchie later tonight or maybe tomorrow, once he has calmed down. as he is so timid, and bob and munchie are much calmer than merlin, i think its worth a go.

for now merlin will be staying on his own. he is far too dominant to pair with a boar :-\
Oh no - but I'd kept my fingers crossed and everything! :'(

Well, you can't say you didn't try! Let them calm down a bit.

Perhaps Merlin is destined to live on his own in his bachelor pad!
Aww sorry it didn't work out,what a shame. Hopefully things will work out with bob and munchie instead :smitten:
Good luck with it O0
i hope so. bob and munchie are much more used to the smell of other boars now, and with heath being timid, and bob being more chilled out than he was I'm gonna give it a go
Oh no I'm sorry it didn't work Lez! Merlin, what are you like, why do they shoot themselves in the foot like this? ::) Boys!

You could try Heath with Munchie and Bob, fingers crossed!

Maybe Merlin needs a girlie, but you don't have the room do you? :-\

I'm having bickering boar probs too, apart from Romeo who is about 10 mnths i think... all my boys are 4 mths old and I'm hoping they chill as they get older... will this happen? could it happen? :-\
i cant have more pigs yet, plus merlin is too young, too underweight, and too under developed to be neutered yet.

once i have moved house i wanted 2 more pigs anyway, so i can get him a girly friend then

I'm hoping hes not too dominant to be with a girl
grrrr modified too late!

merlin is now in his old nero 3, and heath is back in the nero 4. due to being short on space, for now merlins cage is on top of heaths.

hopefully later tonight i might try a munchie/bob/heath intro by free ranging them, and see what happens
Sorry they have split.
Good luck later. O0
What a shame you've had to spilt them, sorry to hear that, it's blummin stressful with the lads especially isn't it this bonding lark.
Sorry it hasn't worked out, it's not an easy thing to do. :(

I would advise against introducing him to the other two though - if they get on well I wouldn't upset the balance and harmony between them - though I know this isn't probably what you want to hear. You know your boars best though and maybe you feel they could cope. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. O0
sorry SL i just read this after i started introducing them, otherwise i would have reconsidered. :-\

I'm not holding any reservations, after how things went with merlin, buuuut things appear to be going ok.

th humping has already settled, there is only the odd bum sniffing from bob now

all 3 ar now curled up together on my knee!
I know how much this means to you so I'm really hoping it all works out for you all, keep us all posted O0 Boars eh? ;)
i have decided to take things very slowly with them, so they are going to live seperate and have run time together :)

that way heath wont be on his own all the time

I'm struggling to decide what to do, because i only kept heath with the intention of pairing him with merlin, and said i couldnt keep him if they didnt pair up.

so now my brain is telling me i need to give him up, but i love him so much bcause hes so sweet :smitten:

back to square 1, i cant decide what to do again

i need help/suggestions, i cant decide what to do :(
I would keep heath. When are you moving house? If you can hold out till then, you'll have much more room for them all & perhaps a friend for Heath & a lady friend for Merlin. If the free ranging space is big enough I don't see why Bob, Munchie and heath can't socialise in it, but I would probably not put them in living quarters together. :( good luck
i move house out on june 30th

they usually free range in the living room, but today i used the run

bob and munchies cage is 6ft by 2 and a half ft

its mainly price of bedding thats going to get to me now :(

at the min merlin having the smallest cage, i have put him on towels, with newspaper underneath, just to try cut some costs

lucky i just switched bk to megazorb which lasts ages, so I'm hoping i can work something out
Bob and munchies cage sounds more than enough space. I suppose you could try heath in there. But I would do it really slowly, like get them used to seeing each other every day with run time then one day put them all back in the cage (hopefully they won't notice they're no longer in the run ;D)

I think bulk buying is definately the best plan. It's the only way I can afford my pigs.
Oh no, I have been busy lately.
I am really sorry you have had to split the boys up, may be Merlin is like my Harrison he does not like other piggies company unless it is sniffing the girlies through the bars.
June will come quick enough, hopefully you may be able to reintroduce or hopefully the other boys will accept Heath.
Good luck sweetie
i was wondering as the big cage is 6ft perhaps you could put a barrier in the cage to give heath 2 feet. something like a cooling rack cable tied. that way heath can still see bob and munchies and smell them and the other two will still have room to move. i would keep heath and try the barrier in the big cage and let them have time together at play time. good luck with your boys. hugs and cuddles. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Sorry sweetie damed puter did an upgrade so it threw me off puter earlier and then i've been busy :D :D :D so didn't see your post.
Yeah you've had some great ideas given to you, see what you can work out... i hope it does love O0 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
choloe said:
i was wondering as the big cage is 6ft perhaps you could put a barrier in the cage to give heath 2 feet. something like a cooling rack cable tied. that way heath can still see bob and munchies and smell them and the other two will still have room to move. i would keep heath and try the barrier in the big cage and let them have time together at play time. good luck with your boys. hugs and cuddles. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

i wouldnt want to put heath in a partition of the cage lonng term as it isnt enough space for him, and I'm funny about cage sizes for by boars so they have enough exercise space.

i tried a partition for a little while last night, bob and heath were looking at each other through the bars, but munchie paid no attention to him.

munchie is the reason i havent put them together yet. also although they get on ok outside the cage, i put them in the cage for a while and humping kicked off again a lot, so i thought to take it more slowly
my suggestion of halving the cage so just so the boys could get use to each other and maybe slowly introduce heath in with bob and munchie. maybe munchie and merlin would get on better? hoping you work out a solution for your little fur babies. hugs and cuddles to you and your babies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
i wouldnt risk pairing merlin up with another boar again. he is very happy on his own again. when he was in with heath he had a complete personality switch, and became nasty. as soon as i put him on his own again hes more like the cute playful baby piggy ive always known him to be

heath bob and munchie are out having run time together again now
If I were you I would rehome Heath and put Merlin first, hes too young to be written out, and say he has to be alone, I'm sure he can be bonded...

I did have a boar reserved for you, but then you got the other guinea without telling us dont know what to suggest :-\
you were never online, were always set to busy and i had to make a decision i was going to ask you for your advice, and even speak to you before i even picked heath up, but you didnt seem to want to talk so what was i to do?

merlin wont take to a boar anyway, i would have found that out sooner or later, and at least i found out sooner. he is far too dominant. i saw what he was like.

i still havent decided for definate what to do with heath yet.

but i wont let him go until his absess has cleared up cos its not fair on him, or on the person who takes him

forgot to add, i am NOT leaving merlin in the sidelines. he doesnt like boars, and hes too young to be neutered, so what can i do? he gets plenty of attention, and loves being on his own. he has shown a complete personality switch
I, along with very many other users, am really pleased you rescued Heath - things will work out for you, I know how committed you are and you will do what is in the best interests of your piggies. Sometimes these things just take a little longer than we would otherwise wish. O0

PP your reference to a "reserved piggie" is completely unnecessary and totally irrelevant to the topic.
thanks SL :) for now I'm taking things one day at a time with heath. i have plenty of time to decide mainly due to his absess.

he is still having successful run time with the other two boys, so you never know

i think i would feel more comfortable pairing merlin up with a female when hes old enough, after what he did to heath, and seeing how it affects his personality
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