Merging two pairs of boars...

Hog lips

New Born Pup
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
County Durham
Hi All, I currently have a pair of well bonded boars, 2.5 years old and both fairly easy going natures. Bert, the more dominant boar was a bit humpy with his previous partner but not at all with his current partner Titch.
We took two foster boys in for our local rescue. They're both about 4.5 years, they were pretty underweight when we got them but are gaining weight nicely. Normally with the fosters, we have them until there's space in the rescue but as these are getting on a bit we are going to keep them rather than them having to get used to a new home or possibly blocking a cage at the rescue if people are put off by their age.
Bert and Titch, free range indoors, they have the run of two large rooms à la 'Lava empire', with numerous sleeping areas and feeding stations. Do any of you have experience of merging pairs? Would it be feasible for them to get along/tolerate each other in this large area? Currently, the old guys have floor time in a ring of C&C panels where they can see and sniff each other. Bert will sniff, do a token rumble, sniff a bit more and lose interest. Titch is a lot more interested and will spend a lot of time just hanging out near them through the bars. Cookie, the smaller of the two oldies will have a little rumble, a quick hump of partner Vince, them lose interest and go and eat.

So, do I continue like this for a little longer and open up the c&c and see how they go?
It would be risky and the odds on it working wouldn’t be great. The only thing really going in your favour would be having lots of room, plus they aren’t teens (which would be almost instant failure), but still, the chances of it working would not be high.

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?

I would personally keep the two pairs separate at all times so as to not rock the boat and risk breaking bonds.