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Meloxicam dosage?


New Born Pup
Jul 27, 2021
Reaction score
United States
I have a guinea pig (Alfie) presumed to have arthritis. I recently moved states. I had an amazing vet in the previous state and I recently tried a new vet as my other pig (Astro) is showing signs of arthritis. The previous vet had said that using some of Alfie’s meds for Astro is fine. The dosage of meloxicam from a previous vet was .45 mls of meloxidyl 1.5 mg/mls twice a day as needed for arthritis. I am having to move vets as I moved states and they said .4 mls of meloxidyl 1.5 mg/mls once a day. I don’t think the new vets dosage is going to work for my guinea pig Alfie. Is the previous vets dosage more accurate for my guinea pig that weighs 2.42 pounds(Alfie)
The best thing would be to get a letter or e-mail from your old vet with Alfie's history and prescribed does of medication and bring this to your new vet. Hopefully they will see it has been working and be happy to prescribe the same dose.
But also the difference of 0.05mls is very small and unlikely to make much difference.