Melody Pond Chirps!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 27, 2017
Reaction score
South LA County, the States
Anyone else have a piggy who chirps? Melody chirped just like a bird today, so bird-like in fact, that if I hadn't been there to see it, I wouldn't believe it. She didn't seem distressed, maybe a little frustrated by cage-cleaning time. Strong stance and then she sang.

What prompts this amazing vocalization?
Congratualtions - I think chirping piggies are quite rare, but a few members on here have them.

The chirping is a bit of a mystery, and no one is quite sure why they do it, so just enjoy your special piggie.
Chirping is a rare sound indeed and no one knows why. Our piggies never seem distressed when they have done it. The others sit and watch....
*squeals with excitement*
I love the chirping thing! So mysterious! Okay so I have HEARD chirping and I didn't see it but basically I hear them chirp and went closer and it stopped, but they seemed so's so peculiar and exciting! You're really lucky to have a chirper:))
One of mine has apparently chirped. My partner came and told me he heard one of them chirp like a bird and that I should check on them. Whoever it was had stopped by the time I came out and I never heard it and have never heard it since. I read somewhere they do it to throw predators off and make them think there is a bird nearby but who would know for certain.
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