Meg, Ginger, Sherbet and Flump


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2019
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
I've put no photos of my new piggies up yet, so here they are. First time with girls, after my two boys passed away within about a month of each other. Meg is black and ginger, Ginger is (unsurprisingly) ginger, Flump is a mass of white hair and Sherbet is the Aby cross. They're settling in nicely after two weeks.
Aw, what gorgeous piggies x These little ladies are all so different in coats, like a little fashion show x
Wonderful photos! Your piggies are so photogenic! :drool:
Enjoying some hay and veggies, in the hay box they have destroyed already! But the collapsed wall just makes another fun tunnel to hide in :P


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Piggies are shrewd negotiators 😂😂 once they give you that look, it's just a matter of time before you give in. Your piggies look super lovely
So I got back from holiday today, gave the girls some treats, and after a while Meg came to say hi at the top of the cage next to the couch. After a bit of attention and a pea flake or two she was still not satisfied, so I went to pick her up. This is not her usual spot to be picked up from (she also has a spot in the cage she goes to when she is ready to be lifted out) so she immediately went into a huff, ran downstairs, and let me have it! 😡 Apologies for link and quiet audio, file is too big to post here.
The hooman took us out for lap time today, and I am used to it but poor Sherbet was confused and had to hide in the magic food pouch. She didn't realise it magically held food for pigs who could look cute enough though, so when hooman put us back in, I ran straight in and got Sherbet's food! Everypig else had to find the scraps and all hooman could see was our beautiful piggie bums 😋IMG_20190421_122040.webpIMG_20190421_122604.webpIMG_20190421_122342.webp


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