Meet Willow And Ruby.


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2017
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IMG_7207.webp IMG_7209.webp I've finally got guinea pigs.
Meet Willow and Ruby. They're 4 month old sisters. Willow is brown and white and Ruby is black and brown.
I took them home two nights ago and they've been understandably scared ever since. Though Willow is getting a bit braver as time goes on. She's definitely a lot more confident than Ruby.
I'm so happy to have them. I've wanted guinea pigs for years but because of one thing or another couldn't get them. Now finally I can. And to be honest I'm thankful I wasn't able to before because now I've spent so long researching and feel more confident in caring for them. I still won't be perfect and am sure I have a lot to learn but I'm glad that from day one they're in suitable accommodation.
I'm slowly introducing fresh veg into their diet as they were only on hay and pellets and they seem to be liking it (after the last few days of hiding until I went away and then eating, Willow came and took a piece of cucumber just after I put it in her bowl ❤️)
The pictures aren't great as they're still very scared and I didn't want to frighten them anymore but I'm sure I'll have tons of gorgeous pics in no time.
I'm so happy to have them and can't wait until they feel safe and know they're home and loved.
Welcome to the slave network for the piggy world! You no doubt will be christened when one of them pee's on you!

They are lovely and you will have years of fun caring and understanding them.

Do you have another level in your hutch? I'm guessing that's the ramp in the background, if so it's very steep, I would make it less so by putting something underneath it to decrease the gradient. It will make them feel better and secure running up and down it.

It's lovely to see lots of super green hay too.:cool:
Welcome to the slave network for the piggy world! You no doubt will be christened when one of them pee's on you!

They are lovely and you will have years of fun caring and understanding them.

Do you have another level in your hutch? I'm guessing that's the ramp in the background, if so it's very steep, I would make it less so by putting something underneath it to decrease the gradient. It will make them feel better and secure running up and down it.

It's lovely to see lots of super green hay too.:cool:
I very much look forward to try-not-to-be-peed-on-and-fail cuddles with them.
The ramp is actually screwed into place so it doesn't move so I'm gonna have to find a new ramp or way to secure that to make it less steep for them. Work in progress :)
Oh they're so gorgeous! Can't wait to see more pics when they're settled in!
Congratulations ,they are stunning!