Meet Mary

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2010
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Mary is an 8 month old skinny who was born at a sanctuary in Northampton and went to stay with her foster mum just before Christmas, hence the name. She was very tiny and her foster mum has been feeding her up over the last few months. She is currently 529g so we suspect she will always be small. We travelled to Northampton yesterday to pick her up, and she has settled so well. Thank you to @furryfriends (TEAS) for picking us up from the station and taking us to collect her.

She may be diddy but she has a huge personality and the most spectacular rumblestrutt. She is currently being bonded with Millie's herd and all is going ok so far apart from a bit of chasing from Fuzzy. We also think Mary may be in season.

We felt awful bringing another skinny home so soon after we lost Katie but this had been planned for a while. She was originally going to live with Barley and Dulcie but we thought Millie's herd seemed a bit lost after losing Katie.

Anyway, here she is:


Sounds like she has little pig syndrome if she's got such a fabulous rumblestrut. I hope the bonding continues going well.
She is so cute.:luv:
Don't feel bad about bringing her home now, it's like it was meant to be. Especially if Millie's herd are unsettled.
:drool::drool::drool: Welcome beautiful Mary to the most perfect home ever.

Cannot wait to hear more about her, congratulations x
Am sat here at work worrying as Amy nipped at her last night but all was calm this morning, she turned out to be in season which really didn't help as she was going round winding them all up. Millie can't be bothered so is staying out of any dominance battles and letting the others get on with it.

Seems a lot more settled tonight, sitting with the others, has found her wheek and took a bit of veg from my hand. Feeling more positive.
That's Oxbow Orchard grass in the photo I think. Though our meadow hay is sometimes green too but that comes from a local supplier. We also use Oxbow Timothy and Alfalfa king Timothy all from the hay experts.
Mary is doing really well, is hard it believe she only arrived a week ago. She has found her wheek and is the first to shout for veg and also when I open the hay cupboard, she will take food from our hands and sit on our feet too. Amy is even coming round slowly and I caught her grooming her this morning. Only issue is when they are both in the hay kitchen and Amy tends to nip at her and boot her out. She has no fear though and just gets straight back in. Going to try for a photo with the other 2 skinnies at some point so we can see the size difference.
I cannot wait to see the Skinny Pigture, would love to see and hold a skinny one day :)
After a bit of a drop over the last week as she fought a mild URI, Mary has now reached 600g and is back shouting for her veg. Am sure I saw a popcorn too, and have never seen a skinny pig popcorn. It was weighing time for the other 2 skinnies last night and they are 973g and 1054g, which shows how diddy she is. They are big for skinnies though.
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