Meet Lily And Rosie


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
St. Helens, UK
Hi everyone,

Meet our newest residents, Lily and Rosie (was Rosebud but we found it a bit tricky to say).

Lily is white and Rosie is tri coloured just like Sven.

They are currently living alongside Sven as Sven decided she isn't quite ready for a new friend just yet after losing Elsa.

They've just been out for their first floor time and I'm going to need eyes in the back of my head. They're much more inquisitive than Sven is and I'm going to have to re think the guinea pig proofing.

Whatever happens with their relationship with Sven, I've fallen in in love with them and there's certainly enough love to share with everyone.

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Awww, gorgeous new beauties. Hope the introductions go well. Take it slowly. Mix and match beds and bowls so the scent gets swapped over. It helps them to accept each other and have a good read of our bonding guides.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

Thank you for the advice. I've been doing lots of reading on the forum but it feels quite nerve racking at the moment. The first night we brought them home was tough as Sven was clicking at them really aggressively with her hackles up but over the past week she seems more inquisitive about them and Sue at Cavy Corner advised us to do it slowly like you have.

It would be lovely to have them together but even having them next door seems to been enough to perk Sven up.
Congratulations! They are utterly stunning! :love: hope to see lots more of them!