Meet Jazz, Our New Rescue

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Caviesgalore (EPGPR)

Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2007
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As some of you may be aware we were hoping to add a rescued, neutred boar, to our crew - combining our two trios of sows and adding Jazz to keep them all under control. Well, it's worked, but who is keeping who under control I'm not sure!

We adopted Jazz from GBH Rescue in Beckenham - thanks to Jacky for letting us bring this little fella home. He is about 8 months old and is quite tiny for his age, only weighing in at 1lb 8oz. He is supposed to be an Alpaca, but I'm not sure as his hair doesn't fall over his face and the definition of an Alpaca on here is a curly coated Puru - what ever he is, he is gorgeous and we have all fallen hopelessly in love with him.

See what you think. He has different colours on each of his flanks, one side he is mostly white, the other red with a dark face. Here are some before and after haircut photos.







His hair grows really quickly, we only trimmed it about 10 days ago and it needs doing again already! Luckily he seems to be very placid and will sit still endlessly whilst we brush and trim him - thank goodness!

We were advised to put our two sow trios and Jazz into a run with lots of tunnels and food etc. and let them make their own introductions, here's what happened (you have to look hard to spot Jazz, his bottom is usually poking out of a tunnel ;D)



Initial introductions went very well and they all had a lovely day together. We have invested in a huge 6' x 2' hutch for them all and it is tall enough to add an extra mini level in due course. The piggies all tucked in to dinner happily, lots of bowls so plenty to go round - just as we were about to head off to bed the rumpus began! "Leave them to sort themselves out" mumbled hubby and dragged me off to bed - I know he was right, if I'd intervened the pecking order would have had to be re-established etc. The next morning we took the piggies out one by one and checked them all over. Jazz was fine, as were most of the girls except for poor Bella, my red and white dutch, who had a small nip in her ear and poor Flo, a red american crested, who had what appeared to be a bit mark on her check/eye :'(. Luckily we had some antibiotic eyedrops in the piggy first aid box and I applied these for a few days. They eye is now fine thankfully.

And the troops? They are all getting on famously :) it is a delight to watch them at supper time, we are down to one LARGE plate for fresh food (still have several dry food bowls and two huge bunny water bottles) which they all crowd round and it is always Jazz that is last to the plate, but he still manages to wiggle his way through - it is a delightful scene, I will try to capture it on film.

We have decided to weigh Jazz weekly to see whether he gains any weight and he is beginning to take food from our hands. He is very placid and quiet when he is out with us, but once he is back with his ladies, he turns into a swaggering noisy little piggy - obviously thoroughly enjoying having six ladies to woo ;D ;D
GORGEOUS! Jazz is so lovely. I think he may be a cross. He has a similar face to my pig Twinkle in my avatar! I love your run! I have a 6ft 2 hutch too, loads of room and on rainy days they can whizz up and down and don't miss the run!

He's lovely, as are all of your other piggies. :smitten:
Glad to hear they settled down without too many problems!
Congratulations, Jazz is gorgeous :smitten: :smitten:

Glad they've all settled down, i love the pics of them all together O0
You have lots of gorgeous piggies - Jazz looks lovely to cuddle :smitten:
What a babe, its not always the boars that sort the sows out, sometimes they just leave them to get on with it :)

He's definitely Alpaca with a frontal like that :) The only reason its not over his face is because it hasn't been allowed to grow.
Jazz is looking very gorgeous! :smitten: I love the long haired pigs. So great to see the herd all together!
aw hes gorgeous! :smitten:

what crazy hair :D bet its an absolute pain to comb though lol
Thank you for your kind comments, we have all fallen hopelessly in love with the little guy :smitten:.

Luckily he dosen't seem to mind being groomed, we try to do him at least every other day and so far keeping his rear end trimmed has made the job fairly easy - I can imagine what a nightmare it could become if his fur grows too much !

He does make me laugh, he rumbles and strutts his stuff around his ladies, who take absolutely no notice of him and then he collapses in a pile of hay looking like he's done a hard days work ;D ;D - can only imagine what they get up to when the lights go out ;)
OoOoh He is lovely - What breed is he ? 98) He looks like a texel mixed with an alpaca / Peruvian ;D ;D

Ahhhh hes lovely though - You can definitely tell your VERY proud of him - And they all seem to get alongwith him in the piccies - The pictures are brilliant ! :smitten: :smitten:
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