Meet Darius

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You are right! He is lovely :love: Keep us updated on how it goes
He is so beautiful! I LOVE the colouring on his back and bottom... I call it "layered" or "dusty" colouring. My boy Eggs has it too!
Darius was a Roman general wasn't he? (I'm trying to remember my Roman history....)
Not sure about that but there was three Persian Kings with this name, it is of Greek origin I know,that . Roman general. Think it's worth a Google
His nephew, son of Pharnaces II (63-47 B.C.E.), was Darius, king of Pontus, appointed by Mark Antony in 39 B.C.E. (Appian, Bellum Civile 5.319). He ruled for only about two years before being dethroned by Polemon, son of the rhetor Zeno of Laodicia.. Told you it was worth a Google , never knew that xx
He is a black roan , don't know if you call them that in USA , he is quite gorgous xx
Haha, they probably do call it that in the USA, I just haven't studied my piggy colours quite yet!
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