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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 2, 2019
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Has anyone heard of these medications for guinea pigs

Enrobactin oral solution 0.28 two times a day
Injection Dexadreson 2mg/ml
Buprelieve 0.3mg/ml injection

Thank you
I’ve never heard of Dexadreson being used for guinea pigs. I thought it was for use in cattle, dogs and cats. However, I’m not sure if it would be toxic for guinea pigs. It’s just not a drug I’ve ever associated with guinea pigs.
That's what they injected into Monty on Friday evening 0.14
Enrobactin - same active ingredient as baytril (enrofloxacin).
Buprelieve. A strong painkiller (Buprenorphine)

Dexadreson is a steroid
Ideally guinea pigs shouldn’t be given steroids unless it’s a life or death situation. But as Monty was passing, I guess your vet would have been making a last attempt to save him x
Thank you Debbie,
Yes they did, we couldn't get in at the cat and rabbit, So we went to the same vets as we take them for their nails to be clipped, We went their the Friday morning they gave the Enrobactin and said it was safe to give with his loxicom, they shut at lunchtime but there is a vets with same partnership and same name about 6 miles away so told us to go there if he still wasn't well. we took him late afternoon evening has he was bleeding more and they gave him the two injections Dexadreson and Buprelieve. i cant believe i took Monty somewhere where they have hurt/killed him, i loved him more than anything.
Thank you Debbie,
Yes they did, we couldn't get in at the cat and rabbit, So we went to the same vets as we take them for their nails to be clipped, We went their the Friday morning they gave the Enrobactin and said it was safe to give with his loxicom, they shut at lunchtime but there is a vets with same partnership and same name about 6 miles away so told us to go there if he still wasn't well. we took him late afternoon evening has he was bleeding more and they gave him the two injections Dexadreson and Buprelieve. i cant believe i took Monty somewhere where they have hurt/killed him, i loved him more than anything.
It may not have been the combination of the drugs. I’m much more experienced with feline pharmacology than guinea pig, but you should definitely query the use of the two drugs being given together.
We have rang the veterinary hospital that we took Monty to on Sunday as both other vet are shut until tomorrow, they said they had all Monty's medication notes and we should talk to the vets we took Monty to on Friday afternoon as they would never give Dexadreson to a guinea pig and certainly never give it with Loxicom, My husband is going to call them tomorrow, i feel i'm suffocating with guilt for ever taking Monty there. but he had starting bleeding so heavy.
I'm really sorry to hear this, unfortunately less guinea pig savvy vets take information based on much larger and completely different species of animals and try equate it to guinea pig measurements.

I can imagine how horrible it feels, but please remember you weren't aware of what they were giving him and it is not your fault for trusting someone who is meant to know what to do.
There is a chance the drugs did not cause his death, but you really need to investigate more into this and hold them accountable.